臺大經濟系將於11月18日舉辦傑出系友講座:「黃奇輔- From Theory to Practice: A Thirty-Year Journey」

黃奇輔博士(Dr. Chi-fu Huang)為臺大經濟系1977年畢業之系友,

曾任教於美國MIT,並創業Platinum Grove Asset Management L.P. (PGAM),




*日期:2014 年 11 月 18日 (二) 下午 12:30~1:30

*地點:台大社會科學院3樓 梁國樹國際會議廳

*演講主題:From Theory to Practice: A Thirty-Year Journey


Dr. Chi-fu Huang (黃奇輔博士) is the co-author, with R. Litzenberger, of Foundations for Financial Economics, a distinguished textbook for economics and finance graduate students. He is also a founder and the Non-Executive Chairman of Platinum Grove Asset Management L.P. (PGAM), an investment management company based in New York. He was a full professor and held the J.C. Penney Professorship in finance when he left MIT in the summer of 1994.Dr. Huang has made major contributions to the theory of financial economics, and has written on dynamic general equilibrium theory, intertemporal utility theory, and the theory of individual consumption and portfolio decisions. His research articles have been published in several prestigious journals, such as Econometrica, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis and Review of Financial Studies. 關於 Dr. Huang 更多的介紹,請參考網頁 Dr. Chi-fu Huang。
