本校中國文學系徵聘專任教師1至2名。有關應徵資格、擔任課程、應檢具資料等說明,請參看本系網頁http://www.cl.ntu.edu.tw/截止日期:99年8月31日以前(以郵戳為憑),以掛號寄達(106)臺北市羅斯福路四段一號臺大中文系主任辦公室(封面務請註明應徵者姓名及應徵中文系專任教師字樣)。逾期不予受理。本系聯絡電話:電話:(02)33664001 傳真:(02)23635647 Email:chinlit@ntu.edu.tw
工程科學及海洋工程學系誠徵海洋能源助理教授以上專任教師壹名。預計起聘日期:2011年2月1日,收件截止日期:2010年9月30日。徵聘領域:能源相關之領域。應徵資格:具海洋、土木或機械工程相關之博士學位(具船舶、海洋背景或具船舶、海洋相關應用研究經驗者優先)。開授課程: 海洋環境及海洋能源等專業課程。申請資料:1. 履歷自傳(含聯絡地址、E-mail 及電話號碼) ,2. 博士學位證書影本或應屆畢業證明,3. 著作目錄,4. 二位以上推薦人之聯絡資料(含E-mail addresses),5. 三年內代表著作一篇,6. 五年內參考著作,7. 註明應徵海洋能源領域及職位等級(助理教授、副教授或教授)。聯絡方式:1. 台北市106羅斯福路四段一號,國立臺灣大學工程科學及海洋工程學系宋家驥 主任 收,2. 電話:02-33665791,3. 傳真:02-23929885,4. E-mail: ccsung@ntu.edu.tw,5. Web-site: http://www.esoe.ntu.edu.tw。
Position Opening at National Taiwan University Department: Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering Title: Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor Starting date of employment : February 1st, 2011 Application deadline : September 30th, 2010.Qualification for Candidates:(1) Ph.D. degree in Ocean Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or other related fields.(2) Major research or experience in the field of Ocean Energy. Please include the following documents with your application:(1) Curriculum vitae (including mail address, e-mail and phone umber)(2) Copy of diploma(3) Publication list(4) Contact information (including E-mail addresses ) of at least two references (5) One representative paper in the past 3 years(6) Copy of publications in the past 5 yearsSubmit application materials to:Prof. Chia-Chi Sung, Chairman Department of Engineering Science and Ocean EngineeringNational Taiwan University 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 106, Taiwan。For further information, please contact Professor Chia-Chi Sung Telephone: (+886)-2-3366-5791 Fax : (+886)-2-2392-9885 E-mail : ccsung@ntu.edu.tw Website: http://www.esoe.ntu.edu.tw
工程科學及海洋工程學系徵聘海洋結構助理教授以上專任教師壹名。預計起聘日期:公元2011年2月1日,收件截止日期: 公元2010年9月30日。徵聘領域:結構相關之領域。應徵資格:具海洋、土木或機械工程相關之博士學位者(具船舶、海洋背景或具船舶、海洋相關應用研究經驗者優先)。開授課程:材料力學、結構學、及船舶結構與海洋結構等專業課程。申請資料:1.履歷自傳(含聯絡地址、E-mail 及電話號碼) ,2. 博士學位證書影本或應屆畢業證明3. 著作目錄,4. 二位以上推薦人之聯絡資料(含E-mail addresses),5. 三年內代表著作一篇,6. 五年內參考著作,7. 註明應徵海洋結構領域及職位等級(助理教授、副教授或教授)。聯絡方式:1. 台北市106羅斯福路四段一號,國立臺灣大學工程科學及海洋工程學系,宋家驥 主任 收。2. 電話:02-36657913 .傳真:02-23929885,4. E-mail: ccsung@ntu.edu.tw,5. Web-site: http://www.esoe.ntu.edu.tw 。
Position Opening at National Taiwan University Department: Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering.Title: Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor Starting date of employment : February 1st, 2011 Application deadline : September 30th, 2010 Qualification for Candidates:(1) Ph.D. degree in Ocean Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or other closely related fields.(2) Major research or experience in the field of Offshore Structure.Please include the following documents with your application:(1) Curriculum vitae (including mail address, e-mail and phone number)(2) Copy of diploma(3) Publication list(4) Contact information (including E-mail addresses ) of at least two references (5) One representative paper in the past 3 years(6) Copy of publications in the past 5 years Submit application materials to: Prof. Chia-Chi Sung, Chairman Department of Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering National Taiwan University1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 106, Taiwan For further information, please contact Professor Chia-Chi Sung Telephone: (+886)-2-3366-5791 Fax : (+886)-2-2392-9885 E-mail : ccsung@ntu.edu.tw. Website: http://www.esoe.ntu.edu.tw