本書由本校外文系吳雅鳳與李欣穎教授主編,收錄十篇論文,分別由海內外學者專家執筆,全書以英文論著;並請得英國布理斯托大學(Bristol University)英文系教授,亦是知名的志異(Gothic)學者,David Punter寫序。
These ten essays on the theme of the Gothic, written by scholars from Taiwan and the USA and introduced by David Punter of Bristol University, range across the boundaries of time, space, and genre. Catching the fluidity, openness and amorphous multiplicity of the Gothic as idea and genre, the collection moves from medieval Gothic England and the early American colonial settlements, through High Romanticism and the Gothic variants at the turn of the19th and 20th centuries, to contemporary London as a Gothic site. Also explored is the possibility of doing Gothic reading of texts─Jewish, Native American and Chinese American ones─that might normally seem to fall within the domain of minority studies. The final paper undertake a postmodern analysis of contemporary technoculture as a sort of virtual afterlife of the Gothic.
The scope and depth of the engagements with the Gothic to be found in this collection demonstrate the unfailing fertility of the Gothic theme, itself one of the most glaring yet subtle puzzles in literary history.