依 據2010 SCI或 SSCI
申請期限:即日起至2012年11月30日止(以送達本中心日期為憑)。起聘日期:2013年8月1日(本中心可依徵求情況作調整)。收件地址:100臺北市仁愛路一段1號,臺大醫學院光電生物醫學研究中心主任室聯絡電話:(02)2312-3456 ext:88453 (李玉珊小姐);傳真:(02)2395-7990, E-mail: yushan@ntu.edu.tw_____________________________________________________________________
The Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures (DFLL) of National Taiwan University announces the following 2013-2014 faculty positions:
I. General requirements (see also ‘Additional requirements’ under each track): Except otherwise specified, minimum requirements include a Ph.D. in a track-related field and a strong publication record. Teaching experience at the college level strongly preferred. All fulltime faculty members are required to teach service courses such as writing, conversation, and Freshman English and are obligated to direct theses and serve on various university and department committees and as mentors. Some knowledge of Chinese and experience teaching in a Chinese-speaking environment a plus. Application deadline: September 20, 2012.
II. Openings:Track One—American Literature. 1 fulltime position:Additional requirements: must be able to teach Introductory and General Literature and survey coursesSpecialties sought:19th-century American Literature
Track Two—Applied Linguistics. 1 fulltime position:Additional requirements:Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics or related areasDemonstrated ability to develop and coordinate writing and oral training curricula
Track Three—European and Western Literature. 2 fulltime positions:Additional requirements:Ph.D. in English, Classics, or related areasMust be able to teach Introductory courses in General and Western LiteratureMust be able to teach European Literature course in English
Track Four—Theory and Cultural Studies. 1 fulltime position:Additional requirements:Ph.D. in Literature/Culture/Theory related areas
Track Five—German. 1 fulltime position:Specialties sought:Teaching German as a Foreign LanguageRelated fields in German Linguistics or German Literature
III. Salary and Ranks:Commensurate with qualifications. Initial salaries range approximately from 69,000NT (ca. 2,400US; subject to exchange rates) for assistant professors to 90,000NT (ca. 3,100US) for full professors per month with regular teaching load (8 hours per week for full professors, 9 for associate and assistant professors). Additional teaching hours and administrative assignments extra. Other benefits include family health insurance, research grants and awards (on a competitive basis), and university housing (long waiting period).
IV. Application Deadline and General Information: Appointment begins on August 1, 2013. All applicants must email a completed application form (available at http://www.forex.ntu.edu.tw) together w
ith a CV and a list of publications (must include publications in English or in a specified target language) to wenlin@ntu.edu.tw on or before September 20, 2012 for initial screening. Successful candidates will be asked to provide a substantial dossier and other credentials for further evaluation. Short-listed candidates will be interviewed in Taipei. All information provided will be treated with strict confidentiality. We apologize for not being able to return application materials. DFLL appointments are made on a non-discriminatory basis.
International applicants must comply with local labor laws and meet immigration requirements. Other college and university regulations may apply. Please direct inquiries to Ms Wen-lin Hsueh (wenlin@ntu.edu.tw). This announcement and other information about DFLL are also available at http://www.forex.ntu.edu.tw._____________________________________________________________________
(1) 資格:具微生物學(細菌學優先)相關領域學門之專長,且有研究潛力及教學熱忱者。(2) 起聘日期:102年8月1日(3) 檢具資料:國內外微生物學相關學門副教授二人以上推薦函。被推薦人詳細履歷表包括完整學經歷、5年內著作目錄、3年內代表作抽印本或影印本及研究教學計劃。(4) 截止日期:請於101年9月30日17時前將上述資料e-mail或信函送達。(5) 信函請寄:台北市中正區 (100) 仁愛路一段1號7樓台大醫學院微生物學科主任室收聯絡電話:(02)2356-2219 傳真專線:(02)2391-5293E-mail:shuchunteng@ntu.edu.tw_____________________________________________________________________
6.郵寄地址:臺北市10617大安區羅斯福路四段一號國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系,朱則剛主任收。E-Mail: tkchu@ntu.edu.tw。
國立臺灣大學獸醫專業學院臨床動物醫學研究所 教師徵選公告
申請資料:1.履歷表一式三份、身分證正反面影本一份2.學位證書影本或畢業證明文件一份(國外學位證書影本需經教育部駐外單位核章)3.中華民國或其他國家獸醫師證書影本4.推薦函三封5.五年內(即2008年2月1日以後發表)代表性著作一篇一式三份,需為:(1)已發表在SCI期刊full paper,且SCI期刊論文以第一作者或通訊作者為限(如二人以上合著,請另附合著人說明書,表格可至本院網站下載);或(2)碩士或博士學位論文6.參考著作以七年內五篇為限,每篇各三份抽印本7.著作目錄一式三份8.專長授課科目及大綱一份9.臨床經驗證明文件:如住院獸醫師訓練合格證書、獸醫專科醫師證書或其他可茲證明之相關文件
申請截止日期:中華民國101年8月31日本教職起聘日期:中華民國102年2月1日聯絡地址:10617台北市羅斯福路四段一號 臺灣大學獸醫專業學院獸醫學系聯絡人:陳慧真電話:(02)3366-3762 傳真:(02)2366-1475e-mail: huijenn@ntu.edu.tw http://www.vm.ntu.edu.tw/DVM/ The School of Veterinary Medicine at the National Taiwan University seeks applications for one full time faculty members at the rank of Instructor or above in small animal medicine. Applicants must have clinical experience or have finished residency training. Professional experience in veterinary diagnostic imaging, cardiology, emergency and critical care, dentistry, or behavioral medicine is preferred. The position includes responsibilities for undergraduate and postgraduate teaching. Faculty rank and salary are commensurate with the candidate’s professional qualifications. The position will start at 1st of February, 2013.
Minimum qualifications include DVM degree, master or Ph.D. degree, and veterinarian certificate required for application include:
1.Three copies of curriculum vitae and one copy of ID card (or passport)2.One copy of the degree certificate3.One copy of veterinarian certificate of R.O.C. (or other country)4.Three reference letters5.Three copies of a representative publicationThe publication must fulfill one of the following requirements.(a)A full research article published after 1st February 2008 in a SCI-listed journal. The applicant must serve as the first author or the corresponding author for the article. A verification letter of the co-author’s contribution to the article should also be accompanied. Or(b)The applicant’s Ph.D. dissertation (master’s dissertation) finished after 1st February 2008. 6.Three copies of other scientific publications within the past seven years (maximum five publications)7.Three copies of a publication list8.Three copies of the title and lecture outline of a teaching subject9.Document of clinical experience in small animal medicine, such as certificate of residency training or diplomate certification
Application closing date will be 31st August, 2012. Application inquiries and documents should direct to Ms. Hui-Chen, Chen. For more details and the Mandarin version of the application requirements, please visit our website at http://www.vm.ntu.edu.tw/DVM/Ms. Hui-Chen, Chen E-mail: huijenn@ntu.edu.twTel: 886-2-33663762 Fax: 886-2-23661475Address: School of Veterinary Medicine, National Taiwan UniversityNo. 1, section 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei, 10617 Taiwan
申請資料:1.履歷表一式三份、身分證正反面或護照影本一份2.學位證書影本或畢業證明文件一份(國外學位證書影本需經教育部駐外單位核章)3.中華民國或其他國家獸醫師證書影本4.推薦函三封5.五年內(即2008年2月1以後發表)代表性著作一篇一式三份,需為:(1)已發表在SCI期刊full paper,且SCI期刊論文以第一作者或通訊作者為限(如二人以上合著,請另附合著人說明書,表格可至本院網站下載);或(2)碩士或博士學位論文6. 參考著作以七年內五篇為限,每篇各三份抽印本7. 著作目錄一式三份8. 專長授課科目及大綱一份9. 臨床經驗證明文件:如住院獸醫師訓練合格證書、獸醫專科醫師證書或其他可茲證明之相關文件申請截止日期:中華民國101年8月31日本教職起聘日期:中華民國102年2月1日聯絡地址:10617台北市羅斯福路四段一號 臺灣大學獸醫專業學院獸醫學系電話:(02)3366-3762 傳真:(02)2366-1475e-mail: huijenn@ntu.edu.tw http://www.vm.ntu.edu.tw/DVM/聯絡人:陳慧真 The School of Veterinary Medicine at the National Taiwan University seeks applications for one full time faculty member at the rank of Instructor or above in small animal medicine. Applicants must have clinical experience or have finished residency training. Professional experience in soft tissue surgery, orthopedics, small animal medicine, veterinary diagnostic imaging, emergency and critical care, or anesthesiology is preferred. The position includes responsibilities for undergraduate and postgraduate teaching. Faculty rank and salary are commensurate with the candidate’s professional qualifications. The position will start at 1st of February 2013.
Minimum qualifications include DVM degree, master or Ph.D. degree, and veterinarian certificate required for application include:10.Three copies of curriculum vitae and one copy of ID card(or passport)1.One copy of the degree certificate2.One copy of veterinarian certificate of R.O.C.(or other country)3.Three reference letters4.Three copies of a representative publicationThe publication must fulfill one of the following requirements.(a)A full research article published after 1st February 2008 in a SCI-listed journal. The applicant must serve as the first author or the corresponding author for the article. A verification letter of the co-author’s contribution to the article should also be accompanied. Or(b)The applicant’s Ph.D. dissertation (master''''''''''''''''s dissertation) finished after 1st February 2008. 5.Three copies of other scientific publications within the past seven years (maximum five publications)6.Three copies of a publication list7.Three copies of the title and lecture outline of a teaching subject8.Document of clinical experience in small animal medicine, such as certificate of residency training or diplomate certification
Application closing date will be 31st August, 2012. Application inquiries and documents should direct to Ms. Hui-Chen, Chen. For more details and the Mandarin version of the application requirements, please visit our website at http://www.vm.ntu.edu.tw/DVM/
Ms. Hui-Chen, Chen E-mail: huijenn@ntu.edu.twTel: 886-2-33663762 Fax: 886-2-23661475Address: School of Veterinary Medicine, National Taiwan UniversityNo. 1, section 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei, 10617 Taiwan_____________________________________________________________________
檢附資料:中文詳歷(個人資料、專利及其他研究成果等)、身分證正反面影本、最高學歷證書影本。持國外學歷者,附向原就讀學校查證往來信函二件(去函影本一件,回函正本一件)、經歷證明文件(國外經歷證明須正本)、 曾參與實務防災儀器研發、監測、推廣應用實例經驗之成果說明、相關著作與研究成果說明。對未來推動防災產業規劃之建議。
詳洽臺灣大學氣候天氣災害研究中心葉貴香小姐聯絡電話:02-33662616聯絡地址:10617臺北市大安區羅斯福路4段1號 氣候天氣災害研究中心校務基金進用研究人員之權利與義務,請詳見網址:http://www.personnel.ntu.edu.tw/ (法令規章→人事法規)