1. 具大學畢業以上學位,人文與寫作背景、對推動自然科學科普工作有興趣者優先考量2. 熟悉OFFICE作業系統WORD、POWERPOINT、EXCEL等之操作3. 英語聽說讀寫能力佳4. 品行端正、熱誠、具國際觀 【工作內容】編輯、整理、潤飾教授講稿,協助出版「演化、宇宙、人」及「夸克與宇宙起源」科普專書負責大型國際合作 (台大高能實驗室) 專題研究計畫文書作業、編輯教授著作目錄接待訪問學者及其它教授交辦事項 【甄選流程】1. 意者請將履歷 (親筆書寫) 附照片、學歷證明、推薦信email至:secretary@hep1.phys.ntu.edu.tw截止日期: 7月12日 (五) 18時前2. 【第一階段:書面審查】書面審查將以個人特質、語文能力、相關工作或社團經驗等作為評量標準通過書面審查者將於7月19日 (五) 前通知參加面試3. 【第二階段:面試】面試時間預定為7月26日 (五) 14:00起由教授詢答評估參與面試者 獲通過者將提供為期2年以上聘約 (含3個月試用期),聘期自8月1日或16日起算薪資依照國科會專任研究助理薪資給付標準_____________________________________________________________________
國立交通大學光電工程學系(所), 生醫光學影像實驗室誠徵碩士級研究助理一名。工作地址:新竹市大學路1001號 - 國立交通大學光電工程學系(所)田家炳大樓 218 室 (孫家偉老師 生醫光學影像實驗室)。聯絡人E-mail:d95543004@ntu.edu.tw 莊競程博士。_____________________________________________________________________
外文系徵才,要求相關領域博士學位與學術著作,具大專院校教學經驗者佳。專任教師需負責外文系之寫作、口說、大一英文等課程之教學。各職缺詳細需求條件如下:1. 英國文學(2位)、2. 美國文學(1位)、3. 文學與文化研究(2位)、4. TESOL(1位)、5. 俄語(1位)。申請書及履歷請於2013年9月12日前寄至外文系信箱。詳情請參閱http://www.forex.ntu.edu.tw。
The Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures (DFLL) of National Taiwan University announces the following 2014-2015 faculty positions: I. General requirements (see also ‘Additional requirements’ under each track): Except otherwise specified, minimum requirements include a Ph.D. in a track-related field and a strong publication record. Teaching experience at the college level strongly preferred. All fulltime faculty members are required to teach DFLL service courses such as writing, conversation, and Freshman English and are obligated to direct theses and serve on various university and department committees and as mentors. Some knowledge of Chinese and experience teaching in a Chinese-speaking environment a plus. Application deadline: September 12, 2013. II. Openings:Track One—English Literature. 2 fulltime positions: 18th-Century British Literature preferred European Literature in English Translation Track Two—American Literature. 1 fulltime position: 19th-Century American Literature preferred Track Three—Literary and Cultural Studies. 2 fulltime positions: Requirement: Ph.D. in English Drama, Shakespeare Film Studies Rhetoric/Composition Track Four—TESOL. 1 fulltime position: Ph.D. in TESOL or related areas must offer the courses required by the NTU Teacher Training Center (including Practicum in English/Languages, Internship in English/Languages, Teaching Methods and Materials in English/Languages, etc.) Track Five—Russian. 1 fulltime position: Appointment begins on February 1, 2015 Ph.D. in Russian Language, Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language, or related Minimum 2 years of language teaching experience; native speakers preferred III. Salary and Ranks:Commensurate with qualifications. Initial salaries range approximately from 69,000NT (ca. 2,300US; subject to exchange rates) for assistant professors to 90,000NT (ca. 3,000US) for full professors per month with regular teaching load (8 hours per week for full professors, 9 for associate and assistant professors). Additional teaching hours and administrative assignments extra. Other benefits include family health insurance, research grants and awards (on a competitive basis), and university housing (long waiting period). IV. Application Deadline and General Information: Appointment begins on August 1, 2014 (Russian position: February 1, 2015). All applicants must email a completed application form (available at http://www.forex.ntu.edu.tw) together with a CV and a list of publications (must include publications in English or in a specified target language) to wenlin@ntu.edu.tw on or before September 12, 2013 for initial screening. Successful candidates will be asked to provide a substantial dossier and other credentials for further evaluation. Short-listed candidates will be interviewed in Taipei. All information provided will be treated with strict confidentiality. We apologize for not being able to return application materials. DFLL appointments are made on a non-discriminatory basis. International applicants must comply with local labor laws and meet immigration requirements. Other college and university regulations may apply. Please direct inquiries to Ms Wen-lin Hsueh (wenlin@ntu.edu.tw). This announcement and other information about DFLL are also available at http://www.forex.ntu.edu.tw._____________________________________________________________________
一、資格:1). 國內外醫學系畢業、領有中華民國醫師證書。2). 具中華民國家庭醫學科專科醫師資格。3). 具助理教授(含)以上之教師資格。
二、檢具資料:1). 個人履歷(附照片)及所有著作目錄表。2). 五年內代表著作4篇。(以上資料表件請自台大醫學院人事組網站下載http://www.mc.ntu.edu.tw/staff/person/html/form.html )3). 個人對未來教學與研究理念。4). 國內外相關學門副教授以上2人之推薦函。三、截止日期:102年7月31日下午5時前送達臺大醫院家庭醫學部主任室。四、聯絡地址:臺北市中山南路七號臺大醫院家庭醫學部主任室『家庭醫學科新聘專任教師甄選委員會』收五、聯絡電話: 02-23123456轉62147林小姐 傳真電話: 02-23118674_____________________________________________________________________
6.郵寄地址:臺北市10617大安區羅斯福路四段一號 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系 收。E-Mail: lis@ntu.edu.tw。
Dept. of Library and Information Science in National Taiwan University is seeking to employ one full-time faculty
1. Qualification:Ph. D. of library and information science or related fields 2. Documents Required: *copy of Ph.D. diploma; Those who have not yet received the diploma at the time of application must provide a formal statement from the doctoral institution indicating that it will be in hand by the time of appointment *transcripts of graduate study *copy of certification of working experience *resume*at least one published academic article within 5 years (published after Nov. 1, 2008, doctoral dissertation included) *a list of articles published *a list of courses instructed with course outlines, syllabus and bibliography
3. Other Requirement:*Ability to teach in Mandarin Chinese or English*Those who pass preliminary review by our review board will be invited to give a presentation to our faculty (travel expenses to be paid by applicant)
4. Date of appointment and position official rank: Appointment will be assigned by February 1, 2014. Official rank is according to working experience and qualifications.
5. Deadline: August 23, 2013
6. How to apply: All the documents mail to Department of Library and Information Science Address: Department of Library and Information Science, National Taiwan University No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei 10617, Taiwan, R. O. C. Email: lis@ntu.edu.tw Tel: 886-2-3366-2958 Fax: 886-2-2363-2859
長庚大學 生物醫學系徵研究助理【職缺名稱】專任-碩(學)士研究助理【徵才單位】長庚大學 生物醫學系 梅雅俊老師實驗室【工作地址】桃園縣龜山鄉文化一路259號 長庚大學 (第一醫學大樓 十樓)【工作內容】(1)幹細胞培養; (2)分生相關實驗【徵才條件】學歷:具碩士或學士學位於生物醫學相關領域。經歷:對遺傳工程及幹細胞培養有實際經驗者,將優先考慮。【薪資待遇】碩士級36050;學士級31520。另有長庚福利(住宿優惠、停車優惠年節禮卷)【聯絡方式】意者請將:履歷表 逕寄至 jmeir@mail.cgu.edu.tw梅雅俊老師實驗室【其他備註】1.資格符合者以電話通知甄試時間。2.不符報名資格、文件不全者,將不另通知。
長庚大學分醫中心徵研究助理【職缺名稱】專任-碩(學)士研究助理數名【徵才單位】長庚大學分醫中心吳瓊媛老師【工作地址】桃園縣龜山鄉文化一路259號-長庚大學(第一醫學大樓)【工作內容】iPSC(induced pluripotent stem cells,誘導多功能性幹細胞):Establish iPSC based drug-screening platform and neurodegenerative disease model【徵才條件】學歷:具碩士,學士學位於生物醫學相關科系畢業者。【薪資待遇】碩士:36050月/起,學士:31520月/起。另有長庚福利(住宿優惠、停車優惠年節禮卷)。【聯絡方式】意者請將:履歷表逕寄至 sareinaw@mail.cgu.edu.tw。【其他備註】1.資格符合者以電話通知甄試時間。2.不符報名資格、文件不全者,不另通知。3.歡迎對研究工作有高度熱忱者加入我們的團隊。
【職缺名稱】專任研究助理 【徵才院所】台大醫院胸腔內科【主持人】臺大醫院胸腔內科余忠仁主任【工作內容】1.負責肺部電腦斷層掃描影像分析軟體(VIDA DIAGNOSTICS)之圖形繪製和計算。2. TCoC eCRF (electric Case Report Form)於CSIS之電子表單建立和維護。3. TCoC之間各組織,包括各個聯盟醫院胸腔科和影像科、分子實驗室、醫工實驗室和肺功能實驗室之間電子文書作業之聯繫和維護。【工作地點】醫學工程學研究所 陳中明教授實驗室【徵才條件】1.助理資格:資工、醫工、統計相關學士畢業,須具有影像處理相關背景及研究熱忱。(具醫學影像背景優先考量)2.英文程度優良者或熟悉電腦文書操作者,亦可優先考量,可註明之。【薪資待遇】此為國科會計畫編列之助理,故薪資與福利均依相關會計規定保障之。【聯絡方式】應徵方式:E-mail(請備妥履歷及相關有利文件:自傳、畢業證書影本及成績單影本)E-mail 至 d97945008@ntu.edu.tw郵件主旨請用:應徵醫工所研究助理-(姓名)歡迎來信詢問
聯 絡 人:鄒奇軒聯絡電話:02-33665274電子郵件:d97945008@ntu.edu.tw