高分子研究所徵助理教授(含)以上之專任教師 1-2名,從事教學、研究工作(院統籌運用教師員額)。具國內外大學博士學位。研究專長為高分子相關領域 (生醫/生物高分子、高分子加工、光電與能源等)。相關資料隨應徵函於2014.2.19前寄達106臺北市羅斯福路四段一號國立臺灣大學高分子科學與工程學研究所林江珍所長收。聯絡人:陳玉岱電話:02-33665236,E-mail:ntuipse@ntu.edu.tw。_____________________________________________________________________
註:校務基金進用研究人員之權利與義務,請詳見網址:http://www.personnel.ntu.edu.tw/ (法令規章→人事法規)_____________________________________________________________________
一、國立臺灣大學農業化學系誠徵專任教師1名,負責教學及研究之領域為「土壤學與土壤生態學」。二、申請者須具備上述領域相關學科之博士學位。三、起聘日期為2014年8月1日。四、應徵者請註明應徵職別(助理教授或副教授或教授),檢附推薦信函2封及下列資料1式3份:(1)履歷表(含照片,註明聯絡電話及電子郵件地址)(2)博士學位證書影印本(3)著作目錄(4)最近5年內(2009年8月1日(含)以後)代表著作1篇(註明出版年月)及7年內(2007年8月1日(含)以後)參考著作1套(抽印本或影印本)。(代表著作須為發表於SCI期刊之論文,且申請人為第一作者或通訊作者為限;僅應徵為助理教授等級者,得以其畢業後3年內之博士學位論文(2011年8月1日(含)以後)為代表作,併附歷年成績單正本送審)(5)未來研究方向及教學計畫說明書(可開課程及課程綱要)(6)經歷及相關專業訓練之證明文件(7)其他有助於了解申請者之背景資料。五、請於2014年2月14日(寄達日)以前將資料以掛號寄:106-17 臺北市羅斯福路四段1號國立臺灣大學農業化學系黃良得系主任收六、聯絡電話:(02)33664801或33664804;傳真:(02)23633123, E-mail: nglt97@ntu.edu.tw七、應徵教師相關資訊請查詢農業化學系網站最新消息:www.ac.ntu.edu.tw八、未獲通知面試或錄取之應徵者如需返還書面應徵資料,可附回郵信封俾利郵寄。
Faculty Position Available National Taiwan University – Assistant/Associate Professor/ProfessorSoil Science and Soil Ecology
The Department of Agricultural Chemistry, College of Bioresources and Agriculture of National Taiwan University, invites applicants for the vacancy of one research and teaching position for assistant professor, associate professor or full professor.
Candidate qualification:• Ph.D. degree with research background of “Soil Science and Soil Ecology”• Chinese or English spoken candidates are acceptable
Applicants should indicate the applying position (Assistant, Associate Professor or Professor) and submit 2 recommendation letters and 3 copies of the followings:1.curriculum vitae including a portrait photo2.proof of Ph.D. degree3.complete publication list4.reprints of publications published in last 7 years (after August 1, 2007),5.reprint of one representative paper of SCI journal published in last 5 years (after August 1, 2009 and the applicant should be the first author or corresponding author) or Ph.D. dissertation (after August 1, 2011)6.statement of future research and teaching plans
Applications must be received by February 14, 2014. The position will be available from August 1, 2014.
Contact person:Prof. NG LEAN-TEIKHead, Department of Agricultural ChemistryCollege of Bioresources and AgricultureNational Taiwan University
No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 106-17 Taiwan (R. O. C.) Tel: +886-2-33664801 or +886-2-33664804Fax: +886-2-23633123E-mail: nglt97@ntu.edu.twWebsite: www.ac.ntu.edu.tw_____________________________________________________________________
公衛學院環境衛生研究所暨職業醫學與工業衛生研究所聯合徵聘專任助理教授或副教授教師1-2名,主聘於公衛學系,與環境衛生研究所或職業醫學與工業衛生研究所合聘。教師須參與基礎性課程授課。起聘日期:103年8月1日。應徵截止日期:103年2月10日前寄達:100臺北市中正區徐州路17號7樓臺灣大學公共衛生學院環境衛生研究所所長收(信封上請註明應徵環衛所及職衛所教職)。電話:02-33668077(職衛所)或02-33668112(環衛所)。傳真:02-23418570(職衛所)或02-33668114(環衛所)。E-Mail : omih@ntu.edu.tw(職衛所)或iehphc@ntu.edu.tw(環衛所)。_____________________________________________________________________
臺北市羅斯福路四段一號國立臺灣大學理學院大氣科學系新聘教師甄選委員會召集人林依依 教授收Tel: +886-2-3366-3917Fax: +886-2-2363-3642E-mail: search@as.ntu.edu.tw 另請安排三封推薦信寄至本系新聘教師甄選委員會召集人收,本系將於收件後一週內送出回條,逾期未收到回條者可透過電話或傳真與召集人聯繫確認。
Faculty Position AnnouncementDEPARTMENT OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITYTAIPEI, TAIWANThe Department of Atmospheric Sciences is seeking applicants for one to two faculty positions at the assistant, associate or full professor levels to begin in August 2014. Applicants with Ph.D. and research expertise in the field of atmospheric sciences and other related areas are welcomed. Candidates with post-doctoral experience are preferred.
Applicants should send their curriculum vitae, statement of research and teaching interests before January 15, 2014, to:
Prof. I-I Lin, ChairFaculty Search CommitteeDepartment of Atmospheric Sciences,National Taiwan University,No.1, Section 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei 106, TaiwanTel: +886-2-3366-3917Fax: +886-2-2363-3642E-mail: search@as.ntu.edu.tw
Both regular and electronic mails are acceptable. Please also arrange for three recommendation letters to be sent directly to the Chair of the Faculty Search Committee. Upon receipt of the application, an acknowledgement email will be sent to the applicant within a week. Applicants who do not receive the acknowledgement email please contact the Chair of the Faculty Search Committee via fax or telephone for confirmation. _____________________________________________________________________
工作內容:1. 操作肺部電腦斷層掃描影像分析軟體。2. 建立與維護電子病歷系統。3. 聯繫和維護醫院與實驗室之間的電子文書。工作地點:醫學工程學研究所 陳中明教授實驗室徵才條件:1. 助理資格:資工、醫工、統計等相關學士畢業。2. 英文程度優良者或熟悉電腦文書操作者,亦可優先考量,可註明之。薪資待遇:此為國科會計畫編列之助理,故薪資與福利均依相關會計規定保障之。應徵方式:請備妥履歷及相關有利文件:自傳、畢業證書影本及成績單影本E-mail至d97945008@ntu.edu.tw,主旨請用:應徵醫工所研究助理-(姓名)聯絡人:鄒奇軒,02-33665274,d97945008@ntu.edu.tw_____________________________________________________________________
工作內容:負責大量紅外線影像分析計畫之相關工作。工作地點:醫學工程學研究所 陳中明教授實驗室徵才條件:1. 助理資格:學士畢業,熟悉電腦文書操作(不用會寫程式)及具有研究熱忱者。2. 可工作至少一年或具有醫學影像處理相關背景可優先考量,請註明之。薪資待遇:此為國科會計畫編列之助理,故薪資與福利均依相關會計規定保障之。應徵方式:請備妥履歷及有利文件:自傳、畢業證書影本、成績單E-mail 至 kenj124124@hotmail.com,郵件主旨請用:應徵醫工所研究助理-(姓名)聯絡人:李奇恩02-33665274,0978-617-776, kenj124124@hotmail.com_____________________________________________________________________
職別:助理教授(含)以上。資格:需具博士學位或於應徵時間截止前已完成博士學位所有要求,取得畢業學校權責單位開具臨時學位證明文件者。專長:國際安全(含區域安全,以具有東北亞國際關係與政經議題專長以及國際關係理論素養者尤佳)。名額:1名。檢附資料:詳見系網頁http://politics.ntu.edu.tw/申請方式:備妥資料以掛號郵寄至:100臺北市徐州路21號臺大政治學系,並請於信封上註明「應徵教師」。應徵時間:截止日為103年1月10日止(逾期或資料不全者,恕無法受理)預定用人時間:103年8月。聯絡方式:電話:(02)23519641分機225 傳真:(02)23412806。聯絡人:鄧小姐 E-mail:dengyafan@ntu.edu.tw_____________________________________________________________________
於2013年12月28日前將上述資料合併為一個PDF檔,以E-mail方式寄給高文媛所長(ieeb@oikos.lifescience.ntu.edu.tw)。另請三位推薦者直接將介紹信以PDF 檔寄達上述電子信箱。
Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary BiologyNational Taiwan UniversityPosition AnnouncementProfessor, Associate, or Assistant ProfessorPlant EcologyThe Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (IEEB) at National Taiwan University (NTU) invites applications for two faculty positions in plant ecology at the assistant professor level or higher levels with an anticipated starting date of August 1, 2014. All areas of plant ecology will be considered, however, experience in community and population ecology, theoretical and modeling approaches, conservation issues, vegetation dynamics, plant systematics, phcology (physiology & ecology) plant chemical ecology, and plant secondary metabolites are preferred.
QUALIFICATIONS: The applicant must have a Ph.D. degree and post-doctoral experience is desirable. Ability to collaborate with other scientists and effective oral and written communications skills are required.
RESPONSIBILITY: Successful candidates will be expected to develop and maintain an active research program supported by extramural funding, train graduate and undergraduate students, participate in graduate and undergraduate teaching, and participate in service needs. The potential candidate will also be responsible to teach biology and/or ecology course for undergraduates. The NTU and the College of Life Science have excellent core facilities to support modern biology research. IEEB would provide ample space and starting fund in addition to the competitive funding from National Science Council.
How to Apply: Applications must include a cover letter addressing qualifications, a current curriculum vitae, statement of future teaching and research plans, proof and transcripts of Ph.D. degree, and a list of publication since 2009 and PDF file for each publication. Documents are sent by electronic mail before December 28, 2013 to Professor Wen-Yuan Kao, the director of the Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, at ieeb@oikos.lifescience.ntu.edu.tw. Three reference letters are required as PDF file and send to the same email address above . Review of the applications will begin from December 28, 2013. The position will remain open until filled._____________________________________________________________________
(三)截止日期: 102年12月31日下午五時前送達臺大臨床藥學研究所辦公室
(五)來函請寄:臺北市仁愛路一段一號408室 臺大醫學院臨床藥學研究所 何藴芳所長 收 傳真專線:(02) 23951113 E-Mail: ntugiocp@ntu.edu.tw_____________________________________________________________________
應徵資料:1. 個人詳細履歷表一份 (含學經歷證件影本,學術成就及重要獲獎記錄,並註明出生年月日)2. 生化及分生相關學門副教授以上推薦函三封(可由推薦者於截止日前直接寄達)3. 未來研究計畫書一份4. 著作目錄一份並附五年內代表性著作(日期為2009年8月1日之後發表者)PDF檔
聯絡地址:100臺北市仁愛路一段一號 基醫大樓9F R907臺大醫學院生化暨分生所 收
聯絡人:楊汶英biochem@ntu.edu.tw聯絡電話:(02) 2312-3456 分機 88227傳真:(02) 23915295
National Taiwan University College of Medicine in Taipei seeks experienced and well-qualified candidates for one tenured and tenure-track faculty position in the Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. All candidates should be in possession of a Ph.D. in disciplines relevant to biochemistry and molecular biology, with a minimum of one year postdoctoral research experience, and have an outstanding record of research accomplishments (candidates with metabolic-related research experience are preferred). Candidates are expected to establish a strong and independent research program and to teach effectively at all levels.
Qualified applicants are invited to submit: 1) Curriculum vitae including educational history, teaching and research experience, honors and awards received, and a statement of research achievements. 2) Three letters of recommendation (recommenders can send their recommendation letters directly to the following address before the application deadline).3) Research and teaching proposals.4) List of publications and copies of the representative publications (in pdf format) in the past 5 years.
Application Deadline: Dec 31, 2013
Application materials should be mailed to: Faculty Search CommitteeInstitute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,National Taiwan University College of Medicine,R907, No. 1, Jen-Ai Road, First Section,Taipei 10051, TaiwanEmail: biochem@ntu.edu.twPhone:886-2-23123456 Ext 88227Fax:886-2-23915295____________________________________________________________________
臺大醫學院外科 103學年度誠徵助理教授以上教師壹名
六、報名截止日期:申請資料應於2013年12月25日(週三)5:00PM前送達「臺北市仁愛路一段一號 臺大醫學院外科主任室」盧芳英簽收。電話:886-2-23562118傳真:886-2-23934358e-mail:fylu@ntuh.gov.tw_____________________________________________________________________
二、檢具資料:1.個人履歷(附照片)。2.學經歷證件影本。3.五年內著作目錄、五年內參與研究計畫目錄(請參閱撰寫,http://w3.mc.ntu.edu.tw/staff/person/html/form.html 下載著作目錄表III-1、 III-2、 III-3及新聘教師專業發展說明書)。4.未來三年之教學、研究及服務之計劃概要及其他有助於瞭解申請者之資料。5.至少二封推薦函。
三、預定起聘日期:103年8月1日四、收件截止日期:103年1月1日五、寄件址:100臺北市中山南路7號臺大醫院復健部主任室(復健科新聘教師甄選委員會)收六、聯絡電話:(02)23123456轉67650 王亭貴教授,傳真:(02)23825734,E-mail:tgw@ntu.edu.tw。
Faculty PositionDepartment of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, National Taiwan University HospitalThe applicants must have the following experiences1.The candidate should hold at least a M.D. /M.B., which is recognized by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan. 2.The candidate should hold a specialty license certificated by the Taiwan Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board. 3.We give preference to candidates who are specialized in the field of neurorehabilitation or musculoskeletal rehabilitation.Applicants must submit the following documents1.Curriculum vitae (including a photo).2.The copy of degrees, diploma, academic achievements, honors and other useful information.3.List of publications and research programs in recent 5 years. (May refer to the website: http://www.mc.ntu.edu.tw/staff/person/html/form.html)4.A description of research plans , teaching and service programs in the following 3 years. 5.At least two recommendation letters. Commencement date of the employment: August 1st, 2014.Deadline of application: January 1st, 2014.The hard copy and electronic files should be sent to (No return): Office of the director, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, National Taiwan University HospitalNo.7, Chung Shan S. Rd.(Zhongshan S. Rd.), Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 10002, Taiwan (R.O.C.)Contact us:Tel: 886-2-2312-3456, Ext: 67650 Professor Tyng -Guey Wang.Fax: 886-2-23825734 E-mail: tgw@ntu.edu.tw_____________________________________________________________________
財團法人醫藥品查驗中心徵專案經理(4名),詳細個人履歷資料,附曾發表之論文目錄及摘要詳網站:http://www.cde.org.tw。聯絡人員:張美雲小姐/李佳純小姐電話:02-8170-6000轉109或661,信箱:hr@cde.org.tw。地址:臺北市11557南港區忠孝東路六段465號3樓(新資訊大樓)。Tel:+886-2-8170-6000 ext.109。email: hr@cde.org.tw。_____________________________________________________________________
聯絡電話:+886-2-33663700ext123。傳真:+886-2-23671909。網址:http://www.ee.ntu.edu.tw。mail: wjliao@cc.ee.ntu.edu.tw。_____________________________________________________________________
起聘日期:預計2014年8月1日起聘。截止日期: 2013年12月31日(以郵戳為憑)。來函請寄106臺北市羅斯福路四段一號國立臺灣大學人類學系 陳靜文助教ccw@ntu.edu.tw 電話: 02-33664730備 註:基本資料完備者,經初審通過,將另行安排演講面談時間。
Faculty Position Announcement from Department of Anthropology, National Taiwan University
FIELD: one position in socio-cultural anthropology and several positions in archaeology to begin on August 1, 2014 at the earliest
STATUS: Assistant/Associate/Full Professor
SPECIAL NOTE: Preference for one of the archeology positions will be given to candidates able to teach courses on physical anthropology or related subjects. For the socio-cultural anthropology position, preference will be given to candidates who specialize in material culture or museum anthropology, are able to teach at least two courses in those areas, and will commit to future research in one of those two areas.
ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: All applicants should have a Ph.D. in a related field by the time of application and be able to teach in both Mandarin and English. Applicants for a position in archaeology should also be able to teach introductory archaeology courses, archaeological methodology, regional archaeology or physical anthropology.
DEADLINE: All materials should be received by December 31, 2013. Applicants should submit the following materials:a) two copies of curriculum vitae;b) two photocopies of Ph.D. diploma (or proof of having received a degree issued by their respective institutions);c) two recommendation letters from members of the academic community;d) three copies of a detailed list of publications;e) three copies of one representative work published in the past five years(doctoral dissertations used to apply for an assistant professorship not need have been published);f) three copies of all works from the past seven years; g) one copy of a future research plan (research plans for applicants in socio-cultural anthropology should be in the area of material culture or museum anthropology); h) two copies of syllabi for three or more courses (applicants in socio-cultural anthropology position should include a syllabus for a course in Field Methods for Cultural Anthropology).
Further requirements, including a formal talk and a seminar with NTU faculty members on teaching and other academic issues, will be arranged after all materials have been received and undergone a preliminary review. Applicants should pay their own travel expenses for the purpose of participating in all required activities held at NTU.
All documents should be sent to:
Ms. Chin-wen ChenAssistant, Search CommitteeDepartment of AnthropologyNational Taiwan UniversityTaipei, TAIWAN 106e-mail: ccw@ntu.edu.twPhone: +886 +2 33664730Fax: +886 +2 23631658_____________________________________________________________________
一、國立臺灣大學食品科技研究所誠徵助理教授(含)以上專任教師一名,從事食品加工之教學與研究。應徵者須具備食品或相關領域之博士學位,並需具有良好的中、英文能力,能以流利英文授課。預定起聘日期為2014年8月1日。二、凡具備上述資格有意申請者,請檢具:1.履歷表(內容應含申請人及推薦人之聯絡電話、傳真、住址及電子郵件地址)。2.大學及研究所成績單、博士學位證書影本。3.最近五年內(自2009年8月以後)已刊行SCI期刊之代表作或博士論文。代表作需發表在SCI期刊內,且為第一作者或通訊作者及檢附合著者證明。代表作不可為research note 或brief report或review。申請助理教授層級者需附博士論文。4.七年內(自2007年8月以後)著作目錄及著作抽印本或影本。已被接受但尚未刊印之著作需檢附被接受證明。5.歷年著作、專利、技術移轉與相關創作之目錄。6.教學及研究志趣說明書(含可開授課程之綱要,中英文內容簡介,篇幅以不超過10頁A4紙為限)。申請人應於2014年1月3日(郵件到達日)前,將上述之各項資料備妥一式四份掛號寄達:10617臺北市羅斯福路四段一號國立臺灣大學食品科技研究所「教師甄選委員會」(信封請註明應徵領域)。詳見食科所網站(http://www.fst.ntu.edu.tw)或洽游若篍所長(e-mail: yurc@ntu.edu.tw)。不論是否聘用,應徵者如需返還書面應徵資料,請附回郵信封。
四、應檢具資料:1. 個人履歷表、著作目錄。2. 5年內代表著作、7年內參考著作。3. 學位證明文件影本1份。4. 曾任教職者請檢附教師資格證書影本1份。5. 推薦函3份。6. 博士班歷年成績單(正本、影本均可)。
七、聯絡人:吳儀玲教授電話:(02)2351-9641分機386,傳真:(02)2321-5704。Email:yilinwu @ntu.edu.tw網址:http://www.econ.ntu.edu.tw_____________________________________________________________________