【徵求條件】1.碩士畢業(醫護公衛等相關科系尤佳)2.諳電腦(word、excel、power point、outlook)基本文書能力,熟SPSS尤佳3.具計畫經費核銷、採購及帳務控管經驗者佳
【工作地點】台大醫院舊址家庭醫學部(台北市中正區常德街1號)【工作時間】1.週一至週五 08:30~17:302.午休一小時3.週休二日
哲學系徵求專任教師啟事資格:具有博士學位,並具有華語教學能力職位:教授、副教授、助理教授專長:應徵者以具有以下領域中之一種專長為優先: 東方哲學:儒家哲學(先秦到兩漢為主) 西方哲學:當代西方哲學(黑格爾以後)、倫理學 除領域專長外,必須能擔任本系必修課程之教學申請資料:一、 學位證書影本二、 履歷自傳三、 著作目錄四、 經歷證件影本(助理教授須附博士成績證明)五、 專長與研究方向六、 可開授課程大綱(包括本系必修科目)、曾授課程大綱(無教學經歷者免)七、 著作一式四份(代表作以3種為限,須為2011年2月以後發表之著作,參考著作則須為2009年2月以後發表之著作)八、 推薦書二封
申請截止日期:2015年3月31日(以郵戳為準)預定起聘日期:2016年2月1日郵寄收件地址:106台灣台北市大安區羅斯福路四段1號國立臺灣大學哲學系辦公室(信封上請註明「應徵哲學系教職」)連絡電話:886-2-33663396 傳真:886-2-23636269E-mail:ymlai@ntu.edu.tw Website:http://www.philo.ntu.edu.tw/
Department of Philosophy, National Taiwan University, TaiwanTeaching Positions Opening
the Department of Philosophy at National Taiwan University invites applications for the positions of Professor, Associate Professor, or Assistant Professor. Teaching appointment is effective from February 1, 2016.
Qualification: Ph.D. in Philosophy or related fieldsSpecializations (Applicants specializing in one of the following areas are most preferred):1. Chinese philosophy: Confucian philosophy (preferable from Pre-Chin to Han Dynasty)2. Western philosophy: Contemporary western philosophy (after Hegel), EthicsOther Requirements: Applicants must be competent in teaching in Mandarin and prepared to offer mandatory courses (teaching experiences are preferred but not required).
Application Materials:(1) Photocopy of certificate of doctoral degreeAn official transcript of doctoral studies is required for the application for the position of Assistant Professor(2) Curriculum vitae(3) Publication list(4) Description of work experiences and/or special honors (if any)(5) Statement of research specializations and academic interests(6) Course syllabi (including mandatory courses), and syllabi of previously offered courses (if any)(7) Four copies of dissertation or (up to three) major publications (after February, 2011) and four copies of other publications for reference (after February, 2009)(Please specify Major publications and Reference publications.)(8) Two letters of recommendationDeadline: All application materials should be received no later than March 31, 2015.
Please send your dossier to the following addressDepartment of PhilosophyNational Taiwan University1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt RoadTaipei, Taiwan, 106ContactPhone: 886-2-33663396 Fax: 886-2-23636269E-mail: ymlai@ntu.edu.tw Website: http://www.philo.ntu.edu.tw/
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 行政院農業委員會為積極整合學術與研究機構研發能量,投入農業產業技術或問題解決方案之研究,擬徵求農業科技專案整合性計畫;本次計畫申請提出期限為104年1月21日(星期三)。詳細資訊請上研發處研究計畫服務組網頁「計畫徵求訊息」區 ( http://ord.ntu.edu.tw/RPA/Consultation.aspx )。聯絡:33663268林依潔’。____________________________________________________________________
森林環境暨資源學系徵聘下列領域專長之專任教師各一名:1. 環境與自然資源政策及經濟;2. 森林復育與森林植群;3. 環境倫理與教育。預訂起聘日期為2015年8月1日。2015年3月2日前寄達:10617臺北市羅斯福路4段1號,國立臺灣大學森林環境暨資源學系系主任收。電話:(02)33664609。郵件: chient@ntu.edu.tw。詳參下載網頁http://www.fo.ntu.edu.tw/news/news.php。____________________________________________________________________森林環境暨資源學系徵聘「育林學」領域教學人員(專案計畫教授、專案計畫副教授或專案計畫助理教授)一名,預訂起聘日期為2015年8月1日。於2015年5月1日前寄達:10617臺北市羅斯福路4段1號,國立臺灣大學森林環境暨資源學系系主任收。電話:(02)33664609,郵件: chient@ntu.edu.tw。詳http://www.fo.ntu.edu.tw/news/news.php。____________________________________________________________________財團法人高等教育評鑑中心基金會評鑑雙月刊誠徵長期兼職編輯助理財團法人高等教育評鑑中心基金會發行的《評鑑》雙月刊,為國內第一份以「大學評鑑」為主題的專業雜誌。工作內容一、 文稿編輯校對二、 訂戶資料庫整理三、 行政文書處理四、 資料蒐集五、 電話客服六、 其他編務行政與發行事務七、 協助公關傳播行政事務
需求條件一、 文筆佳,具編輯經驗二、 具英文資料閱讀、檢索能力三、 細心、負責任、溝通表達能力佳四、 具行政文書處理能力五、 Word、Excel、PowerPoint操作熟練六、 熟Photoshop軟體最佳七、 碩士以上學歷為佳(碩士生可)八、 此為長期性質工作,短期勿試
工作時間與待遇每週三天,上班時間可選擇:1.周三~周五上班;或2.周一、周四、周五上班(以上二擇一,須固定時間)。工作時間一天8小時,月薪以日薪 1,000元計算,根據每月實際上班日數核薪,月領約12,000元
申請資格:1.具博士學位2.教授課程以獸醫免疫學為主3.研究領域以免疫機制與疾病相關背景為佳4.具獸醫師資格者優先5.有兩年博士後研究經驗者優先申請資料:1.履歷表一式3份、身分證正反面或護照影本1份2.學位證書影本或畢業證明文件1份(國外學位證書影本需經教育部駐外單位核章)3.推薦函3封4.5年內(即2010年8月1日以後發表)代表性著作1篇一式3份(1)已發表在SCI期刊full paper,且SCI期刊論文以第一作者或通訊作者為限(如2人以上合著,請另附合著人說明書,表格可至本院網站下載);或(2) 博士學位論文5.參考著作以7年內5篇為限,每篇各3份抽印本6.著作目錄一式3份7.專長授課科目及大綱1份申請截止日期:104年3月15日(如申請人數未達學校規定人數時將持續辦理)本教職擬起聘日期:104年8月1日聯絡地址:10617台北市羅斯福路四段一號 臺灣大學獸醫專業學院獸醫學系電話:(02)3366-3762傳真:(02)2366-1475.e-mail: huijenn@ntu.edu.tw. http://www.vm.ntu.edu.tw/DVM/。聯絡人:陳慧真
The School of Veterinary Medicine at the National Taiwan University has one faculty position on veterinary immunology available from 1st August 2015. The candidate, who is an eligible veterinarian, is expected to teach Veterinary Immunology and has research backgrounds in immune mechanism and disease, is preferred. All candidates must have a Ph.D. degree with preferable two years postdoctoral experience. The candidates should also provide at least one representative full paper, in which he/she serves as the first or corresponding authors, in a SCI-listed journal (or Ph.D. dissertation) published after 1st August 2010. The starting levels, from assistant to full professor, will commensurate with the candidates’ qualifications. Application package must include 3 copies of the curriculum vitae, 1 copy of ID card (or passport) , 1 copy of the degree diploma, 3 letters of recommendation, 3 copies of the representative publication (see above) together with verification of co-author’s contribution to the applicant’s representative publication (form available upon request), three copies of a maximum of 5 additional publications within the last 7 years, 3 copies of the publication list, 1 copy of the title and outline of the courses to be offered. Please direct application and inquiries, before March 15 of 2015, to Miss. Chen (huijenn@ntu.edu.tw; tel: 886-2 - 33663762 ; fax: 886-2-23661475) at the department office at No. 1, section 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei, 106 Taiwan. Web page: http://www.vm.ntu.edu.tw/DVM/
申請資料:1.履歷表一式3份、身分證正反面或護照影本1份2.學位證書影本或畢業證明文件1份(國外學位證書影本需經教育部駐外單位核章)3.推薦函3封4.5年內(即2010年8月1日以後發表)代表性著作1篇一式3份(1)已發表在SCI期刊full paper,且SCI期刊論文以第一作者或通訊作者為限(如2人以上合著,請另附合著人說明書,表格可至本院網站下載);或(2) 博士學位論文5.參考著作以7年內5篇為限,每篇各3份抽印本6.著作目錄一式3份7.專長授課科目及大綱1份申請截止日期:104年3月15日(如申請人數未達學校規定人數時將持續辦理)本教職擬起聘日期:104年8月1日聯絡地址:10617台北市羅斯福路四段一號 臺灣大學獸醫專業學院獸醫學系電話:(02)3366-3762傳真:(02)2366-1475e-mail: huijenn@ntu.edu.twhttp://www.vm.ntu.edu.tw/DVM/聯絡人:陳慧真
The School of Veterinary Medicine at the National Taiwan University has one faculty position on veterinary virology available from 1st August 2015. The candidate has research background in general virology and is expected to teach veterinary virology and to support clinical diagnostic services in the School of Veterinary Medicine of National Taiwan University. All candidates must have a Ph.D. degree with preferable two years postdoctoral experiences and an eligible veterinarian certification. The candidates should also provide at least one representative full paper, in which he/she serves as the first or corresponding authors, in a SCI-listed journal (or Ph.D. dissertation) published after 1st August 2010. The starting levels, from assistant to full professor, will commensurate with the candidates’ qualifications. Application package must include 3 copies of the curriculum vitae, 1 copy of ID card (or passport) , 1 copy of the degree diploma, 3 letters of recommendation, 3 copies of the representative publication (see above) together with verification of co-author’s contribution to the applicant’s representative publication (form available upon request), three copies of a maximum of 5 additional publications within the last 7 years, 3 copies of the publication list, 1 copy of the title and outline of the courses to be offered. Please direct application and inquiries, before March 15 of 2015, to Miss. Chen (huijenn@ntu.edu.tw; tel: 886-2 - 33663762 ; fax: 886-2-23661475) at the department office at No. 1, section 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei, 106 Taiwan. Web page: http://www.vm.ntu.edu.tw/DVM/
申請資料:1.履歷表一式三份、身分證正反面或護照影本一份2.學位證書影本或畢業證明文件一份(國外學位證書影本需經教育部駐外單位核章)3.中華民國或其他國家獸醫師證書影本4.推薦函三封5.五年內(即2010年8月1以後發表)代表性著作一篇一式三份,需為:(1) 已發表在SCI期刊full paper,且SCI期刊論文以第一作者或通訊作者為限(如二人以上合著,請另附合著人說明書,表格可至本院網站下載);或(2) 博士學位論文6.參考著作以七年內五篇為限,每篇各三份抽印本7.著作目錄一式三份8.專長授課科目及大綱一份9.臨床經驗證明文件:如住院獸醫師訓練合格證書、獸醫專科醫師證書或其他可茲證明之相關文件
申請截止日期:中華民國104年3月15日本教職起聘日期:中華民國104年8月1日聯絡地址:10617台北市羅斯福路四段一號 臺灣大學獸醫專業學院獸醫學系電話:(02)3366-3762傳真:(02)2366-1475e-mail: huijenn@ntu.edu.twhttp://www.vm.ntu.edu.tw/DVM/聯絡人:陳慧真
The School of Veterinary Medicine at the National Taiwan University seeks applications for one full time faculty member at the rank of Instructor or above in small animal medicine. Applicants must have clinical experience or have finished residency training.
Professional experience in soft tissue surgery, orthopedics, small animal medicine, veterinary diagnostic imaging, emergency and critical care, or anesthesiology is preferred. The position includes responsibilities for undergraduate and postgraduate teaching.
Faculty rank and salary are commensurate with the candidate’s professional qualifications. The position will start at 1st of August 2015.
Minimum qualifications include DVM degree, Ph.D. degree, and veterinarian certificate required for application include:
1. Three copies of curriculum vitae and one copy of ID card(or passport)2. One copy of the degree certificate3. One copy of veterinarian certificate of R.O.C.(or other country)4. Three reference letters5. Three copies of a representative publicationThe publication must fulfill one of the following requirements.(a) A full research article published after 1st August 2010 in a SCI-listed journal. The applicant must serve as the first author or the corresponding author for the article. A verification letter of the co-author’s contribution to the article should also be accompanied. Or(b) The applicant’s Ph.D. dissertation finished after 1st August 2010. 6. Three copies of other scientific publications within the past seven years (maximum five publications)7. Three copies of a publication list8. Three copies of the title and lecture outline of a teaching subject9. Document of clinical experience in small animal medicine, such as certificate of residency training or diplomate certificationApplication closing date will be 15th March, 2015. Application inquiries and documents should direct to Ms. Hui-Chen, Chen. For more details and the Mandarin version of the application requirements, please visit our website at http://www.vm.ntu.edu.tw/DVM/Ms. Hui-Chen, Chen E-mail: huijenn@ntu.edu.twTel: 886-2-33663762 Fax: 886-2-23661475Address: School of Veterinary Medicine, National Taiwan UniversityNo. 1, section 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei, 10617 Taiwan
...................................................................法律學院擬徵聘「財稅法」、「法律史」(兼法社會學尤佳)、「智慧財產法」、「民事程序法」(能兼顧法律實習課者尤佳)等科目之專任教師(含教授、副教授及助理教授),有意申請者請2015年3 月2 日下午5點前將相關資料備齊送達臺大法律學院專案辦公室(如為郵寄應於上述時間前送達本院),法律學院地址:106 台北市羅斯福路4段1號,電話:(02)33668909。
1.申請意願書2.個人履歷(內含近五年內研究著作目錄)。 3.近五年內具代表性之相關研究著作PDF檔。4.教學與研究構想書。
於2015年2月28日前以E-mail方式寄給周子賓所長(tbchou@ntu.edu.tw)。另請三位推薦者直接將介紹信寄達上述電子信箱。Assistant Professor, Plant Cell BiologyOrganization: National Taiwan University, College of Life ScienceDepartment: Institute of Molecular and Cellular BiologyDate Posted: 2014/12/1City: TaipeiCountry: TaiwanPrimary Category: Plant BiologyType of Position: Full-time tenure-trackEducation Requirement: PhDExperience Requirement: Postdoc trainingDescriptionThe Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology, College of Life Science at National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track faculty position in plant cell biology or a closely related discipline. This position begins after February of 2016. Candidates pursuing innovative research or with imaging expertise are encouraged to apply. Required qualifications include an earned Ph.D. in biology or related field at time of application and ability to teach undergraduate and graduate courses.How to Apply / ContactApplicants should submit via email a single PDF document with a cover letter of application addressing qualifications, curriculum vitae including a publication list and reprints of representative papers, and research and teaching statements to Dr. Tze-Bing Chou (tbchou@ntu.edu.tw), Director of the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology, NTU. Applicants should also arrange for three letters of reference to be sent as PDF documents to that same email address by February 28, 2015.
食品科技研究所誠徵專任教師一名。2015年3月3日(郵件到達日)前,將資料一式四份掛號寄達:10617台北市羅斯福路四段一號國立臺灣大學食品科技研究所「教師甄選委員會」。詳見食科所網站(http://www.fst.ntu.edu.tw)或洽游若篍所長(e-mail: yurc@ntu.edu.tw)。--------------------------------------------------------------------