開學前夕,管院學生接待志工計畫Buddy Program的同學們才剛為外籍交換生舉辦Orientation迎新說明會,開學一個月後的今天,接待志工們再度為這些外籍交換生舉辦了小迎新之夜 —「Friday Night Welcome Party」。
本次的小迎新活動期望藉由「Friday Night」此一象徵愉悅放鬆的主題,讓外籍交換生能在緊湊的課業學習之餘,熟稔同為出門在外的彼此以及管院的其他接待志工。整個活動過程不僅替交換生營造一個舒適放鬆的場合,也直接間接創造出更多面向的文化交流。Friday Night Welcome Party的活動當晚,主辦單位提供披薩和蛋塔等食物,邀請校內調酒社的優秀同學至會場提供各類飲品,更協商兩組學生團體進行現場演唱。在場的外籍生們除了被食物吸引住,也對調酒同學的好手藝感到驚艷。
接續在熱身遊戲之後是兩組臺大同學所帶來的自彈自唱unplug live music,表演的歌曲除有耳熟能詳的英文歌,他們也特地介紹許多臺灣當地歌手著名的歌曲,他們專業精彩的表演更讓現場的每一位同學報以熱烈的掌聲。
活動最後,主辦單位準備了一些臺灣綜藝節目上常看到的小遊戲,例如比手畫腳、懲罰遊戲等等。此另類的文化體驗讓外籍生們玩得不亦樂乎,興奮程度不亞於當地學生,活動結束後大家也都帶著盡興的笑容離開,為放鬆的Friday Night畫下圓滿的句點。
Friday Night Welcome Party
Kicking off the weekend, the buddies from NTU’s Buddy Program hosted a welcome party for international students and their companions to get to know each other and enjoy a night of free food, drinks, games, and musical performances. The international students had a great time playing a number of games inspired by Taiwanese game shows, hosted by the buddies. The games included charades, Question & Answer, and drinking games. The buddies and the international students gradually built stronger ties throughout the games since the games required teamwork and cooperation. In addition to the games, the buddies wowed audiences with musical covers featuring both English and local Chinese hits. The crowd responded to the performances with a long round of applause after performers wrapped up the show.
Every party has to come to an end, but the friendships and memories that were created at the Friday Night Welcome Party remain. Our NTU buddies and international students both look forward to more events to come and more memories to add to their journeys in Taiwan.