(文: GMBA辦公室)在2018年2月24日和25日的周末,GMBA一二年級學生一同前往新加坡參加由新加坡國立大學(NUS)所舉辦的學生創業大會UNICON。本會議主要是由在新加坡成立或共同創辦公司的年輕專業人士共同發起的,而這次會議是向各行各業的企業家學習,期望深入了解創業的真實情況進而擷取絕佳機會。許多主題專注於亞洲市場,也同時討論到科技,人工智能以及區塊鍊和加密貨幣的未來。
與會者認為,會議的亮點是聽取亞洲最大體育媒體資產One Championship的創始人兼執行長,同時也榮獲混合武術戰鬥冠軍的Chatri Sityodtong所談到的一系列比賽與創業的過程。Sityodtong先生詳細介紹了他開創One Championship的背景和靈感,並討論了他一路上遇到的挑戰。這是一篇關於創辦公司時遇到的困難的精彩演講,他讓與會者感受到如何透過毅力與找到合適人選以取得最終的成功。
該會議的另一個重點是創業競賽UNICON Arena。每個以年輕企業家為首的八家新興創業公司都將自家的創意和產品提交給評委小組。這八個團隊各有五分鐘的時間可發表他們的意見,並有五分鐘時間與評委小組進行問答。
僅管許多公司都提出了很多有趣的想法與產品,但在場的每個人似乎都被Gush 這家專門生產空氣淨化塗料的創業公司所提出的點子所吸引,最後他們也真的成為這次創業競賽的最大贏家。
(英文撰寫者: GMBA一年級 石天寧)
On the weekend of February 24 and 25, 2018, a small gathering of current and former GMBA students went to Singapore for UNICON, a student entrepreneurship conference presented by the National University of Singapore (NUS). The conference largely consisted of speakers and panels of young professionals who had either founded or co-founded companies in Singapore. The conference was a great opportunity to learn from entrepreneurs from various industries and to gain insight into the realities of starting a company. Many of the topics focused specifically on Asian markets while discussing technology, artificial intelligence, and the futures of blockchain and cryptocurrency.
According to attendees, the highlight of the conference was listening to Chatri Sityodtong, the founder and CEO of ONE Championship, Asia’s largest sports media property and mixed martial arts fighting championship series. Mr. Sityodtong detailed both his background and inspiration for starting ONE Championship, as well as discussing the challenges he has faced along the way. It was an excellent speech about the difficulties that arise when starting a company and about the potential successes that can be achieved with a combination of perseverance and the right people.
Another high point of the conference was UNICON Arena, a startup competition. Eight rising startups, each headed by young entrepreneurs, pitched ideas and products to a panel of judges. Each team had five minutes to pitch their company and another five minutes of Q&A with the panel of judges. Many of the companies presented interesting ideas and products, but the one everyone seemed to notice, and the eventual winner of the competition, was Gush!—a startup that produces air-purifying paint.
Overall, the conference was well organized and had many interesting speakers. The trip was a good bonding experience for the GMBA students who went, allowing them to experience together much of what Singapore has to offer. We’d recommend any students thinking about starting a company or just wanting an excuse to visit Singapore to look at attending the UNICON conference in the future.
(Original Chinese text by NTU GMBA Office; English text by Dana Shires, 1st-year student of NTU GMBA Office)