來自臺灣北部的MBA企業管理專班的30多名學生,選在今年的3月3日於臺北信義區的Brownie’s Cafe餐敘。這次餐敘的目的是希望能夠透過社交場合,加強聯繫各校MBA學生的情誼,對此,與會者莫不興奮不已。臺灣大學GMBA學生會會長Tina Lai與副會長Sergei Naboichenko聯手串連來自臺灣大學、國立政治大學、國立清華大學、國立臺灣科技大學與國立交通大學的MBA學生會。當天許多學生紛紛自臺北和新竹趕來參加餐敘,他們承諾在未來將促成更多此類的跨校合作機會,同時這次的餐敘也成功讓這群學生開啟一個良性溝通的大門。 此次活動代表著一個認真的開端與建立溝通橋樑的起始,希望能看到未來有更多世界各地志同道合的MBA學生一同加入這樣的互助合作群組。
(文: GMBA辦公室)(英文: GMBA一年級谷柔蘭)
With clear senses of purpose and burgeoning excitement, more than 30 students from MBA programs in Northern Taiwan mounted the steps at Brownie’s Café in Taipei’s Xinyi District, hoping to reach out and make contact. Organized by NTU GMBA Student Council’s President Tina Lai (賴筱婷) and Vice President Sergei Naboichenko, the event was a first, bringing together students from National Taiwan University, National Chengchi University, National Tsing Hua University, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, and National Chiao Tung University. A large number of the students traveled to Taipei from Hsinchu, their commitment setting a confident tone for collaboration and communication to come. The dinner represents an earnest attempt to build bridges and bring together like-minded students from international MBA programs. Hopefully, we’ll see more such inter-connected activities in the future.
(Chinese text by GMBA Office; English text by Lauren Elizabeth Grimm, 1st-year student of GMBA Program, NTU)