水族箱常見的斑馬魚(zebrafish)為何變成近代學術研究的熱門主題?事實上,斑馬魚與人類的共同處多到你想不到。1995年的諾貝爾生理醫學獎得主克里斯汀·紐斯林-沃爾哈德(Christiane Nusslein-Volhard)長年致力於蛋白質與DNA交互作用的相關研究。科技部全球事務與科學發展中心(GASE)榮幸邀請Christiane Nusslein-Volhard大師來台演講,親自向國內相關領域的研究人員介紹諾貝爾獎背後的生物學大變革,也將提供青年學子這位德國科學家遍訪全世界桂冠學術機構的獨特視野。
From Zebrafish to Evolutionary Biology: Dr. Christiane Nusslein-Volhard and Her Road to Scientific Exploration.
Many people may wonder, how did zebrafish gain such popularity in the recent decades? Although humans and zebrafish are extremely different species, little did we know that there are actually many similarities between them than we might think.
Dr. Christiane Nusslein-Volhard, who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1995, will be invited in the upcoming Four Seasons Speech Series - Spring by the MOST Center for Global Affairs and Science Engagement (GASE), to share the story behind the Nobel Prize and her research experiences as a scientist in Germany and other counties, and to inspire and broaden the prospective visions of our young aspiring scientists as well.
See more: https://gase.most.ntu.edu.tw/events/25