
外籍學生要如何申請臺大?國立臺灣大學國際事務處,特於2009年12月12日(星期六) 於臺北市舉辦「臺大外籍學位生招生展--臺北場」:12月19日(星期六)在高雄市舉辦「臺大外籍學位生說明會—高雄場」,希望透過本活動讓在臺灣的外籍學生們更近一步了解臺大之外籍生申請流程與相關資訊,歡迎目前居住於臺灣的外籍學生及其家人踴躍參加!




How to apply as an international degree student to National Taiwan University?National Taiwan University Office of International Affairs will be holding an Education Fair in Taipei and an Information Briefing in Kaohsiung for all international perspective degree-seeking students and their family on December 12 and December 19, 2009, respectively.In order to promote and familiarize all international perspective degree-seeking students with the National Taiwan University (NTU) degree admission application procedures, NTU Office of International Affairs (NTUOIA) will hold an Education Fair in Taipei on December 12, 2009 and an Information Briefing in Kaohsiung December 19, 2009.The Education Fair on Saturday December 12 in Taipei will take place in NTU’s main campus in the Global Lounge, and all NTU’s 11 academic colleges will have their representatives present at the education fair and speak with the participants.Information Briefing in Kaohsiung on Saturday December 19 will be the first time NTU hosts such event for international perspective degree-seeking students.For detailed information such as the specific location, maps to the venue and the schedule for NTU December 2009 Education Fair and Information Briefing, please visit NTUOIA website: http://www.oia.ntu.edu.tw/

聯絡人:林柏成TEL: 02-3366-2007 #212mail: pclin0512@ntu.edu.tw