
昆蟲學系98學年度下學期整合生物學專題講座,June.15,10:10~11:00 am在中非大樓演講廳邀請博士候選人楊景程主講:Global invasion of the red imported fire ant Solenopsis invicta: Insights into genetic structure, colonization history, social organization and enemy release。主持:石正人老師。

博士候選人吳加雄演講:黑翅螢之閃光行為及族群遺傳(The flash behavior and population genetic of the black-winged firefly, Luciola cerata Olivier (Coleoptera: Lampyridae))。主持:楊平世老師。

6月18日1:30-2:30pm邀請講座:Prof. Fushing Hsieh(Statistic Department of University of California at Davis)主講:Data geometry: How to do clustering correctly ?主持:李後晶老師。