
臺大醫學院誠徵 內科消化次專科專任教師一名 一、資格:1.國內外醫學系畢業、領有中華民國醫師證書。2.具內科專科醫師及消化系次專科專長3.具助理教授以上之資格




五、聯絡電話: 02-23123456轉65022洪小姐 傳真電話: 02-23934176 _____________________________________________________________________


一、國立臺灣大學農業化學系徵聘「土壤肥料及植物健康管理」相關領域專任教師1名,除負責土壤肥料及植物健康管理相關領域之教學及研究外,須支援生物資源暨農學院植物醫學碩士學位學程之教學、研究及服務工作。二、申請者須具備上述領域相關學科之博士學位。三、起聘日期為2013年8月1日。四、應徵者請註明應徵職別(助理教授或副教授或教授),檢附資料如下(除推薦信函2封外,其餘資料均請備妥1式3份):(1)履歷表(含照片,註明聯絡電話及電子郵件地址)(2)博士學位證書影印本(3)著作目錄(4)最近5年內(2008年8月(含)以後)代表著作1篇(註明出版年月)及7年內(2006年8月(含)以後)參考著作1套(抽印本或影印本)。(代表著作須為發表於SCI期刊之論文,且申請人為第一作者或通訊作者為限;僅應徵為助理教授等級者,得以其畢業後3年內之博士學位論文(2010年8月(含)以後)為代表作,併附歷年成績單正本送審)(5)經歷及相關專業訓練之證明文件(6)推薦信函2封(7)未來研究方向及教學計畫說明書(可開課程及課程綱要)(8)其他有助於了解申請者之背景資料。五、請於2013年3月15日(寄達日)以前將資料以掛號寄:106-17 臺北市羅斯福路四段1號國立臺灣大學農業化學系鍾仁賜系主任收六、聯絡電話:(02)33664801, 33664809; 傳真:(02)23633123, 23620432, E-mail: chungrs@ntu.edu.tw .七、應徵教師相關資訊請查詢農業化學系網站最新消息:www.ac.ntu.edu.tw八、未獲通知面試或錄取之應徵者如需返還書面應徵資料,可附回郵信封俾利郵寄。 Faculty Position Available National Taiwan University – Assistant/Associate Professor/ProfessorSoil Fertility and Plant Health Management

The Department of Agricultural Chemistry, College of Bioresources and Agriculture of National Taiwan University invites applicants for the vacancy of one research and teaching position for assistant professor, associate professor or full professor.

Candidate qualification:•Ph.D. degree with research background of “ Soil Fertility and Plant Health Management”•Chinese or English spoken candidate are acceptable•The recruited candidate should also tender supports to research, teaching and service in the Master Program for Plant Medicine, college of Bioresources and Agriculture

Applicants should submit 2 recommendation letters and 3 copies of followings:1.indicate the applying position (Assistant, Associate Professor or Professor)2.curriculum vitae including a portrait photo3.proof of Ph. D. degree4.complete publication list5.reprints of publications published in last 7 years (after August, 2006),6.reprint of one representative paper of SCI journal published in last 5 years (after August, 2008 and the applicant should be the first author or corresponding author) or Ph. D. dissertation (after Aug., 2010)7.statement of research and teaching plans in the future

Applications must be received by Mar. 15, 2013. The position will be available from August 1, 2013.

Contact person: Prof. Ren-Shih Chung, Head, Department of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University, No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 106-17, Taiwan. Tel: +886-2-33664801, 33664809, Fax:+886-2-23633123, 23620432, E-mail: chungrs@ntu.edu.tw, Website: www.ac.ntu.edu.tw._____________________________________________________________________


一、說明:本職缺擬徵聘專任助理教授或副教授教師1至3名,主聘於公共衛生學系,與本院環境衛生研究所或職業醫學與工業衛生研究所合聘。教師須參與本院學士班及合聘系所碩士班、博士班之基礎性課程授課。二、應徵資格:申請時已取得環境衛生或職業醫學與工業衛生或相關領域博士學位,並有與教學、研究相關工作兩年以上之經驗,具下列領域教學經驗及研究或工作經驗者尤佳。(一)環境衛生政策及管理(二)環境變遷及氣候變遷對環境衛生衝擊研究(三)食品衛生(四)環境保護與職業安全衛生法規(五)人因工程學研究 (六) 作業環境控制工程研究 (七) 環境職業流行病學研究 (八) 其他環境衛生/職業醫學或工業衛生專長,並能與兩所及本院教師專長互補者三、檢具資料:個人履歷表(含學術著作目錄)、學經歷證件影本、歷年成績單、五年內代表著作及七年內參考著作抽印本或影本、未來教學及研究計畫、三封推薦函及其他有助於瞭解申請者背景之資料。四、起聘日期:102年8月或103年2月。五、應徵截止日期:102年2月28日前寄達。六、郵寄地址:100 臺北市中正區徐州路17號臺灣大學公共衛生學院公共衛生學系系主任收(信封上請註明應徵環衛所及職衛所教職)七、聯絡電話:02-33668077(職衛所)或02-33668112(環衛所)傳真:02-23418570(職衛所)或02-33668114(環衛所)E-Mail : omih@ntu.edu.tw(職衛所)或iehphc@ntu.edu.tw(環衛所)_____________________________________________________________________

國立臺灣大學 公共衛生學院 流行病學與預防醫學研究所流行病學、預防醫學或生物醫學統計學領域誠徵專任助理教授或副教授教師壹名



教學方面:參與各級學位與學程 (學士、碩士、博士) 之 流行病學/生物統計學/預防醫學 核心必修教學課程,及特定專長領域課程之授課。

聘任單位:流行病學與預防醫學研究所、公共衛生學系檢具資料:申請信函(註明申請職級為助理教授或副教授)、個人履歷、學經歷證件影本、著作目錄及影本、三封推薦信、未來五年教學及研究計劃書及其它有助於瞭解申請者背景之資料。 截止日期:2013年2月15日 收件地址:臺北市中正區徐州路17號501室臺大公共衛生學院流行病學與預防醫學研究所 簡國龍所長收E-mail:klchien@ntu.edu.tw

聯絡人:詹麗雪 技士聯絡電話:3366-8030傳真專線:886-2-23511955 E-mail:ntuepm@ntu.edu.tw _____________________________________________________________________



二、凡具備上述資格有意申請者,請檢具:1. 履歷表(內容應含申請人及推薦人之聯絡電話、傳真、住址及電子郵件地址)。2. 大學及研究所成績單、博士學位證書影本。3. 最近五年內(自2008年8月以後)已刊行SCI期刊之代表作或博士論文。代表作需發表在SCI期刊內,且為第一作者或通訊作者及檢附合著者證明。代表作不可為research note 或brief report或review。申請助理教授層級者需附博士論文。4. 七年內(自2006年8月以後)著作目錄及著作抽印本或影本。已被接受但尚未刊印之著作需檢附被接受證明。5. 歷年著作、專利、技術移轉與相關創作之目錄。6. 教學及研究志趣說明書(含可開授課程之綱要,中英文內容簡介,篇幅以不超過10頁A4紙為限)。

申請人應於2013年2月18日(郵件到達日)前,將上述之各項資料備妥一式四份掛號寄達:10617臺北市羅斯福路四段一號國立臺灣大學食品科技研究所「教師甄選委員會」(信封請註明應徵領域)。詳見食科所網站(http://www.fst.ntu.edu.tw)或洽游若篍所長(e-mail: yurc@ntu.edu.tw)。不論是否聘用,應徵者如需返還書面應徵資料,請附回郵信封。




申請者請將下列資料:1.個人履歷表;2.學經歷證件影本;3.教學及研究計畫書;4.歷年著作目錄及2006年8月以後著作之電子檔,並指定2008年8月以後代表著作1-3篇;5.三封推薦函,於2013年2月20日前(郵戳為憑)寄至:10617 臺北市羅斯福路四段1號 國立臺灣大學生化科技學系新聘教師甄選委員會收。請參考系網址: http://www.bst.ntu.edu.tw 。聯絡人:系主任林璧鳳教授,電話:02-33662269,傳真:02-33662271,電郵:bifong@ntu.edu.tw。系辦聯絡人:王慈圓小姐,電話:02-33662279,電郵tzuyuan@ntu.edu.tw。


The Department of Biochemical Science and Technology, College of Life Science, National Taiwan University is inviting applications for one faculty position for assistant, associate or full professor beginning August 1st, 2013.

The potential candidates should hold a Ph.D. degree in related fields and preference will be given to those with postdoctoral and teaching experiences. The research fields are product development and research for Biotech. Applicants should send (1) curriculum vitae; (2) photocopies of Ph.D. diploma and certification of working experience; (3) teaching and research proposals; (4) publication list, relevant publications in pdf after August 2006 and appointing 1-3 representative papers after August 2008; and (5) three letters of reference to the Faculty Searching Committee, Department of Biochemical Science and Technology, National Taiwan University, 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, Taiwan 10617, before February 20th , 2013. For further information, please see Website: http://www.bst.ntu.edu.tw, or contact Dr. Bi-Fong Lin, Professor and Director (bifong@ntu.edu.tw, Tel: +886-2-33662269), or Department Office: Tel: +886-2-33662279, Fax: +886-2-33662271, Miss Tzu-Yuan Wang (tzuyuan@ntu.edu.tw). _____________________________________________________________________


一、起聘日期:民國102年8月1日二、擬聘教師人數:1〜2人三、申請資格:須具備博士學位(不限國籍)。四、擬徵選專長領域:環境工程與科學、環境規劃與管理及其相關領域。五、應繳送證件或資料:1. 履歷表 2. 教師聘任基本資料表(表格請自本所網頁下載)3. 教師聘任送審著作表(表格請自本所網頁下載)4. 博士學位證書影本(如通過決選,持國外最高學歷證書者,其學歷證書需經駐外館處公證或請畢業系所主任以信函確認)5. 相關教學與研究經歷證明文件影本6. 著作目錄7. 五年內代表著作1至5篇8. 三位推薦人通訊資料:姓名、服務單位、職稱、e-mail address等。 申請人須請推薦人於申請截止時間前,直接將推薦信以e-mail寄達本所。9. 未來教學暨研究計畫說明10. 可開授課程說明11. 大學及研究所成績單12. 繳送資料檢核表(表格請自本所網頁下載)六、以上證件及資料除推薦函外,請依序編號後,合併為單一個PDF檔。七、申請截止日期:民國102年1月31日八、申請資料(含紙本文件及電子檔)分送如下:1.紙本文件請寄至:張能復教授兼所長國立臺灣大學環境工程學研究所10673 臺北市舟山路71號2.電子檔請寄送至王昭理小姐信箱:jlw@ntu.edu.tw。九、聯絡電話:02-33664388, 02-23629844,02-33664387;傳真:02-23928830相關申請表單請至本所網址:http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~giee/下載_____________________________________________________________________







一、國立臺灣大學農業化學系誠徵專任教師1名,負責教學及研究之領域為土壤學與土壤生態學。二、申請者須具備上述領域相關學科之博士學位。三、起聘日期為2013年8月1日。四、應徵者請註明應徵職別(助理教授或副教授或教授),檢附資料如下(除推薦信函2封外,其餘資料均請備妥1式3份):(1)履歷表(含照片,註明聯絡電話及電子郵件地址)(2)博士學位證書影印本(3)著作目錄(4)最近5年內(2008年8月(含)以後)代表著作1篇(註明出版年月)及7年內(2006年8月(含)以後)參考著作1套(抽印本或影印本)。(代表著作須為發表於SCI期刊之論文,且申請人為第一作者或通訊作者為限;僅應徵為助理教授等級者,得以其畢業後3年內之博士學位論文(2010年8月(含)以後)為代表作,併附歷年成績單正本送審)(5)經歷及相關專業訓練之證明文件(6)推薦信函2封(7)未來研究方向及教學計畫說明書(可開課程及課程綱要)(8)其他有助於了解申請者之背景資料。五、請於2013年3月1日(寄達日)以前將資料以掛號寄:106-17 臺北市羅斯福路四段1號國立臺灣大學農業化學系鍾仁賜系主任收六、聯絡電話:(02)33664801, 33664809;傳真:(02)23633123,23620432 E-mail: chungrs@ntu.edu.tw七、應徵教師相關資訊請查詢農業化學系網站最新消息:www.ac.ntu.edu.tw八、未獲通知面試或錄取之應徵者如需返還書面應徵資料,可附回郵信封俾利郵寄。 Faculty Position Available

National Taiwan University – Assistant/Associate Professor/Professor

Soil and Soil Ecology Sciences

The Department of Agricultural Chemistry of National Taiwan University invites applications for one research and teaching position for assistant professor, associate professor or full professor. Candidates must possess a Ph. D. degree. The research background of candidates is Soil and Soil Ecology Sciences. Chinese or English spoken applicants are all acceptable. Please indicate the applying position (Assistant, Associate Professor or Professor) and send 3 copies of (1) curriculum vitae including a portrait photo, (2) proof of Ph. D. degree, (3) a complete publication list, (4) reprints of publications published in last 7 years (after August, 2006), (5) reprint of one representative paper of SCI journal published in last 5 years (after August, 2008 and the applicant should be the first author or corresponding author) or Ph. D. dissertation (after Aug., 2010), (6) statement of research and teaching plans in the future , and (7) 2 recommendation letters. Applications must be received by Mar. 1, 2013. The position will be available from August 1, 2013. Contact person: Prof. Ren-Shih Chung, Head, Department of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University, No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 106-17, Taiwan. Tel: +886-2-33664801, 33664809, Fax:+886-2-23633123, 23620432, E-mail: chungrs@ntu.edu.tw, Website: www.ac.ntu.edu.tw._____________________________________________________________________


一、國立臺灣大學農藝學系誠徵作物科學相關之生物統計與生物資訊領域教師一名,以能勝任生物統計學之教學者為優先考量,預訂起聘日期為2013年8月1日。二、應徵者須具備博士學位,請檢附下列申請資料各一式三份:(一)履歷表。 (二)歷年著作目錄。(三)大學(含)以上成績單(申請助理教授職級者)。(四)博士學位證書影本。(五)擬開授課程名稱及綱要。(六)未來研究計畫書。(七)以書面聲明指定申請職級及送審之五年內代表作。代表作應為SCI期刊論文,且應徵者須為第一作者或通訊作者;助理教授級得以博士論文為代表作。代表作限2008年8月1日後已刊行之著作。(八) 七年內著作抽印本(應為2006年8月1日後已發表之著作)。三、推薦函兩封。四、請於2013年2月28日前寄達: 10617 臺北市羅斯福路4段1號國立臺灣大學農藝學系 廖振鐸系主任 收聯絡電話:(02)33664754 傳真:(02)23620879E-mail: ctliao@ntu.edu.tw徵聘事宜詳見臺大農藝系網頁: http://www.agron.ntu.edu.tw/ _____________________________________________________________________


一、本系擬於102學年度徵聘專任教師壹名。申請者須具社會學博士學位,或社會學相關領域博士學位,並有1篇以上經審查通過出版(或已接受)的期刊論文。二、申請者請檢附下列資料(申請日期截止前資料不完整者不予處理):1.博士學位影印本、校方或指導教授所發証明文件(2013年6月30日前可取得博士學位)1份。2.中文履歷表及個人著作目錄1式3份。3.3年內已出版之學術著作(含完整章節博士論文之全稿,若博士論文非中文須附中文摘要)1式3份。4.推薦信2封。5.碩、博士修課成績單3份(若無成績單,請送修課証明資料)。6.擬開授『專門領域』課程之教學大綱(至少2門)1式3份。7.取得博士學位滿5年者,得免附第三項博士論文與中文摘要和第五項修課成績單、推薦信。 三、申請期限與寄件地址:請於2013年2月28日前(郵戳為憑)寄臺北市羅斯福路4段1號(DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY , NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY, NO.1,SEC.4, ROOSEVELT ROAD, TAIPEI, 106, TAIWAN )國立臺灣大學社會學系系主任柯志哲教授(Prof. Jyh-Jer Ko)收。聯絡電話:886(2)23683569傳真:886(2)23683531附註:複選通過者須至本系公開演講(時間與地點另行通知,目前暫定2013年5月2日)。 _____________________________________________________________________

國立臺灣大學法律學院擬徵聘「民事財產法」、「刑事實體法」(能兼授刑事程序法者尤佳)等科目之專任教師(含教授、副教授及助理教授),有意申請者請於民國102年2月18日下午5點前將相關資料備齊送達臺大法律學院專案辦公室(如為郵寄應於上述時間前送達本院),郵寄地址:106 臺北市羅斯福路4段1號(臺大法律學院辦公室),電話:(02)33668909。



一、應徵資格:具有博士學位,不限領域,但專長為地質學(含古生物地層、地質資源、構造地質、礦物岩石)、地球化學、地球物理、應用地質等,與本系研究教學相關領域者優先考慮。二、截止收件日期:2013年1月31日(以寄出地郵戳為憑)。三、預定起聘日期:2013年8月1日四、檢具資料:個人履歷、學經歷證件影本、著作目錄、三至五件最近七年內著作抽印本(其中一篇自行指定為代表作,代表作必須為2008年8月1日以後正式出版者)、教學及研究計畫書、三位介紹人姓名及其聯絡地址、與其它有助於瞭解申請者背景之資料。五、申請者請於信封外註明「應徵地質科學系教師」與應徵職等,將以上資料函寄至:  106臺北市羅斯福路四段一號  國立臺灣大學地質科學系   鄧茂華 主任收六、此外,申請者請將個人履歷、著作目錄及介紹人之姓名地址以電子郵件寄予 臺大地質科學系徵聘委員會召集人 龔源成教授(電子郵件地址:ycgung@ntu.edu.tw)相關資訊請參閱臺大地質科學系網站:www.gl.ntu.edu.tw_____________________________________________________________________


應徵資格:具生物化學及分子生物學相關領域之博士學位,且有博士後研究經驗至少一年,及獨立研究能力與教學服務熱誠者。應徵資料:1. 個人詳細履歷表一份 (含學經歷證件影本,學術成就及重要獲獎記錄,並註明出生年月日)2. 推薦函三封(推薦者應於截止日前以電子郵件或信件直接寄達)3. 未來研究計畫書一份4. 著作目錄一份並附五年內代表性著作PDF檔聯絡地址:100臺北市仁愛路一段一號 基醫大樓9F R907臺大醫學院生化暨分生所 收截止日期:102年1月22 日(二)17:00前送達907辦公室聯絡人:林佳玉聯絡電話:(02) 2312-3456 分機 88227傳真:(02) 23915295電子信箱:biochem@ntu.edu.tw_____________________________________________________________________


National Taiwan University College of Medicine in Taipei seeks experienced and well-qualified candidates for two tenured and tenure-track faculty positions in the Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. All candidates should be in possession of a Ph.D. in disciplines relevant to biochemistry and molecular biology, with a minimum of one year postdoctoral research experience, and have an outstanding record of research accomplishments. Candidates are expected to establish a strong and independent research program and to teach effectively at all levels.

Qualified applicants are invited to submit:1) Curriculum vitae including educational history, urriculum vitae including educational history, teaching and research experience, honors and awards received,and a statement of research achievements.2) Three letters of recommendation (recommenders should send their recommendation letters directly via e-mail or regular mail to the following address before the application deadline).3) Research proposal.4) List of publications and copies (in pdf format)in past 5 years. Please identify 1 or 2 representative publications.

Application Deadline: January 22, 2013

Application materials should be mailed to:Faculty Search CommitteeInstitute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,National Taiwan University College of Medicine,R907, No. 1, Jen-Ai Road, First Section,Taipei 10051, TaiwanEmail: biochem@ntu.edu.twPhone:886-2-23123456 Ext 88227 Fax:886-2-23915295_____________________________________________________________________

The Graduate Program in Translation and Interpretation (GPTI) at National Taiwan University announces 1 full-time faculty position:

I. General requirements: Except as otherwise specified, minimum requirements include a Ph. D. in a relevant field and a strong publication record. All full-time faculty members are required to teach courses in both the graduate and undergraduate T&I programs and are obliged to direct theses, mentor students, and serve on various university and program committees.

II. Openings:Track — Interpretation: 1 full-time positionAdditional requirements: Ph. D. preferred but candidates with professional experience may be considered (non-Ph. D. holders will be hired as specialists) A minimum of 3 years of interpretation experience for Ph. D. holders, 9 years for non Ph. D. holdersSpecialties sought: Conference Interpreting

III. Salary and Rank: commensurate with qualifications. Initial salaries range from approximately 69,000NT (ca. 2,400US; subject to exchange rates) for assistant professors to 90,000 (ca. 3,100US) for full professors per month with a regular teaching load (8 hours per week for full professors, 9 for associate and assistant professors), with additional remuneration for additional teaching hours and certain administrative assignments. Other benefits include (family) health insurance, research grants and awards (on a competitive basis), and university housing (there is a long waiting list, but there are special arrangements for the first year of employment).

IV. Application Materials:1. A curriculum vitae (including list of publications)2. A photocopy of Ph. D. diploma (Candidates who will receive their Ph. D. degree by July 31, 2013 can submit a formal university-issued temporary diploma)3. Proof of past/current employment (if any).4. Statement of research interests and a description of courses taught.5. Transcript or academic report from the highest academic institution (original copy)6. Two letters of recommendation7. A writing sample

V. Application Deadline and General Information:Appointment begins on August 1, 2013. All applicants must e-mail a completed application form to vickyli@ntu.edu.tw and send hard copies of the application materials to No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei 10617, Taiwan (Graduate Program in Translation and Interpretation, College of Liberal Arts, NTU) by January 21, 2013. Short-listed candidates will be interviewed in Taipei. All information provided will be treated with strict confidentiality. National Taiwan University appointments are made on a non-discriminatory basis.

International applicants must comply with local labor laws and meet immigration requirements. Other college and university regulations may apply. Please direct inquiries to Ms Vicky Li (vickyli@ntu.edu.tw). This announcement and other information about GPTI are also available at http://www.forex.ntu.edu.tw/gpti/riki.php?id=ntutiprogram&CID=1._____________________________________________________________________



貳、檢附資料 1. 履歷表2. 所有論文著作目錄3. 近三年內代表性著作之抽印本或影本4. 近五年內所有論文I.F.及相關領域排名,並挑選其中12篇(以內)之論文註明其被引用之次數。5. 送審論文目錄(供核算歸類計分用): 表格下載:http://oncology.ntu.edu.tw/app/news.php?Sn=11 計算方式請參閱:http://www.mc.ntu.edu.tw/staff/person/rule/med9.doc6. 未來教學及研究構想書7. 簡述曾經指導碩博士生之經歷(上述資料請依序裝訂成冊,一式八份。第1、5項資料亦請mail電子檔至sshsiao@ntu.edu.tw)8. 身份證正反面影本、學經歷證件影本各一份(請以A4紙影印)9. 國內外相關領域副教授以上推薦函三封 (請推薦人直接郵寄或mail至新聘教師甄選委員會召集人鄭安理所長)

叄、起聘日期 2013年8月1日

肆、報名方式務請於2013年1月8日下午五時前送達:臺大醫學院腫瘤醫學研究所中文地址:10055臺北市徐州路2號5樓 (請註明應徵教師職級)推薦信郵寄地址同上,若是電子檔請寄至sshsiao@ntu.edu.tw 鄭安理所長收Address: 5F, No.2, Xuzhou Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100, Taiwan

Graduate Institute of Oncology College of Medicine National Taiwan University

伍、聯絡資訊聯絡人:蕭詩珊小姐電話:(02) 2312-3456 ext.88653E-mail:sshsiao@ntu.edu.tw_____________________________________________________________________

Institute of Biochemical Sciences National Taiwan UniversityPOSITION ANNOUNCEMENT

The Institute of Biochemical Sciences, College of Life Science, National Taiwan University (NTU) is seeking an outstanding individual to fill a full-time faculty position, jointly appointed with the Institute of Biological Chemistry, Academia Sinica, starting on Aug. 1, 2013.

The position is for assistant professor or higher ranks. The applicants should have strong chemistry or biochemistry background and develop research area in chemical biology, medicinal chemistry, or systems biology if employed. Please visit our website for detailed information at http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~ibs/english/e_index.html.

APPLICATION MATERIALS:Applicants should submit the following materials by registered mail, before Jan. 9, 2013, to:Recruitment CommitteeInstitute of Biochemical Sciences, National Taiwan UniversityNo. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei 10617, Taiwan.(a) Curriculum vitae(b) Publication list(c) Outline of teaching materials(d) Copies of 1-4 representative publications since 2009(If selected, the applicant must provide Verification of Co-author’s Contribution to the Applicant’s Representative Publication)(e) Copies of major publications since 2007(f) Three or more recommendation letters(g) Research proposal(h) Copy of Ph. D. Certificate (If selected, holders of Ph. D. certificates conferred by foreign Institutions should provide legal certification by the local Representative Agency of Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs)(i) Official academic transcript covering the whole period of Ph. D. program(j) Official certificate of current or previous employment

CONTACT INFORMATION:TEL:+886-2-2366-5503FAX:+886-2-2363-5038E-mail: ibs@ntu.edu.tw



應徵者請將下列資料於2013年1月9日前(以郵戳為憑)以掛號寄至:106 台北市羅斯福路四段一號,臺大生化科學研究所新聘教師甄選委員會 收。1. 履歷表。2. 著作目錄。3. 課程大綱。4. 2009年以後代表著作1至4篇(如有入選,則須再提供代表作合著人證明正本1份)。5. 2007年以後參考著作。6. 學者專家推薦函至少3封。7. 研究計畫。8. 最高學歷證書影本(如有入選,持國外最高學歷證書者其學歷證書需經駐外館處證明驗證)。9. 博士班研究所歷年成績單正本1份。10. 現行(前)任職機關權責單位開具之現職或經歷證明文件1份(國外經歷證明須正本),本項資料須提供至少符合擬聘等級基本條件。※第1-5及第7項資料,如您的資料為紙本文件,請將電子檔燒成光碟一併寄至本所。

聯絡資訊聯絡電話:+886-2-2366-5503傳  真:+886-2-2363-5038電子信箱:ibs@ntu.edu.tw網  址:http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~ibs/_____________________________________________________________________






Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary BiologyNational Taiwan University

Position Announcement

Professor, Associate, or Assistant ProfessorPlant Ecology

The Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (IEEB) at National Taiwan University (NTU) invites applications for a faculty position in plant ecology at the assistant professor level or higher levels with an anticipated start date of August 1, 2013. All areas of plant ecology will be considered, however, experience in community and population ecology, theoretical and modeling approaches, conservation issues, vegetation dynamics, and plant systematics are preferred.

QUALIFICATIONS: The applicant must have a Ph.D. degree and post-doctoral experience is desirable. Ability to collaborate with other scientists and effective oral and written communications skills are required.

RESPONSIBILITY: Successful candidates will be expected to develop and maintain an active research program supported by extramural funding, train graduate and undergraduate students, participate in graduate and undergraduate teaching, and participate in service needs. The potential candidate will also be responsible to teach biology and/or ecology course for undergraduates. The NTU and the College of Life Science have excellent core facilities to support modern biology research. IEEB would provide ample space and starting fund in addition to the competitive funding from National Science Council.

How to Apply: Applications must include a cover letter addressing qualifications, a current curriculum vitae, statement of future teaching and research plans, proof and transcripts of Ph.D. degree, and a list of publication since 2008 and PDF file for each publication. Documents are sent by electronic mail before December 31, 2012 to Professor Wen-Yuan Kao, the director of the Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, at ieeb@oikos.lifescience.ntu.edu.tw. Three reference letters are required. Review of the applications will begin from December 31, 2012. The position will remain open until filled._____________________________________________________________________


(1) 資格:具微生物學(細菌學優先)相關領域學門之專長,且有研究潛力及教學熱忱者。(2) 起聘日期:103年2月1日(3) 檢具資料:國內外微生物學相關學門副教授二人以上推薦函。被推薦人詳細履歷表包括完整學經歷、5年內著作目錄、3年內代表作抽印本或影印本及研究教學計劃。(4) 截止日期:請於102年4月30日17時前將上述資料e-mail或信函送達。(5) 信函請寄:臺北市中正區 (100) 仁愛路一段1號7樓臺大醫學院微生物學科主任室收聯絡電話:(02)2356-2219 傳真專線:(02)2391-5293E-mail:shuchunteng@ntu.edu.tw


National Taiwan University College of Medicine in Taipei seeks experienced and highly-qualified candidates for one tenure-track faculty position in the Department and Graduate Institute of Microbiology. All candidates should hold a Ph.D. in disciplines relevant to microbiology (priority for bacteriology). Candidates are expected to establish a strong and independent research program and to teach effectively at all levels.

Qualified applicants are invited to submit: 1) Two letters of recommendation (recommenders can send their recommendation letters directly to the following address before the application deadline).2) Curriculum vitae including educational history, teaching and research experience, honors and awards receive, and a statement of research achievements.3) Research and teaching proposals.4) List of publications and copies of the representative publications (in pdf format) in the past 5 years.

Application Deadline: PM 5:00, April 30, 2013Interested applicants please send their materials directly to: Shu-Chun Teng DirectorDepartment and Graduate Institute of Microbiology,National Taiwan University College of Medicine,R732, No. 1, Jen-Ai Road, First Section,Taipei, 100, TaiwanEmail: shuchunteng@ntu.edu.twPhone:(02)23123456 * 88289Fax:(02)2391-5293_____________________________________________________________________



意者請於101年12月31日前將下列資料逕寄至「臺北市羅斯福路四段1號臺灣大學化學系系主任辦公室收」,請註明應徵化學系教職。(1)推薦函3封,其中1封應為博士論文指導教授。(2)個人履歷及著作目錄表。(3)研究與教學計畫及經費、儀器需求。本系網址: http://www.ch.ntu.edu.tw/  聯絡人: 臺大化學系楊吉水教授,33661649, jsyang@ntu.edu.tw臺大化學系主任室簡佳慧編審,33661148, chiahui0@ntu.edu.tw

Faculty Positions—Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan UniversityThe Department of Chemistry at NTU continues to commit itself to research excellence in all fields of chemistry. The department invites applications for two or more full-time, rank-open, faculty positions beginning August 2013. Individuals working at all frontiers and in competitive research areas of Chemistry will be considered.

Post-doctoral experience for more than one year is required. Working knowledge in Chinese is preferred. Please send a detailed C.V. with a publication list, a research plan with start-up and instrument needs, teaching preferences, and three letters of recommendation (including one from the Ph.D. advisor) to "Chairman, Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan 106." by Dec. 31, 2012.

Website: http://www.ch.ntu.edu.tw/  Contact person: NTU chemistry Professor Yang, Jye-Shane, 886-2-33661649, jsyang@ntu.edu.tw

NTU chemistry office Ms Chien,Chia-Hui, 886-2-33661148, chiahui0@ntu.edu.tw_____________________________________________________________________



臺北市羅斯福路四段一號國立臺灣大學理學院大氣科學系新聘教師甄選委員會召集人吳俊傑 教授收Tel: +886-2-3366-3913Fax: +886-2-2363-3642E-mail: cwu@as.ntu.edu.tw 另請安排三封推薦信寄至本系新聘教師甄選委員會召集人收,本系將於收件後一週內送出回條,逾期未收到回條者可透過電話或傳真與召集人聯繫確認。

Faculty Position AnnouncementDEPARTMENT OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITYTAIPEI, TAIWANThe Department of Atmospheric Sciences is seeking applicants for one to two faculty positions at the assistant, associate or full professor levels to begin in August 2013. Applicants with Ph.D. and research expertise in the field of atmospheric sciences and other related areas are welcomed. Candidates with post-doctoral experience are preferred. 

Applicants should send their curriculum vitae, statement of research and teaching interests before December 31, 2012, to:

Prof. Chun-Chieh Wu, ChairFaculty Search CommitteeDepartment of Atmospheric Sciences,National Taiwan University,No.1, Section 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei 106, TaiwanTel: +886-2-3366-3913Fax: +886-2-2363-3642E-mail: cwu@as.ntu.edu.tw

Both regular and electronic mails are acceptable. Please also arrange for three recommendation letters to be sent directly to the Chair of the Faculty Search Committee. Upon receipt of the application, an acknowledgement email will be sent to the applicant within a week. Applicants who do not receive the acknowledgement email please contact the Chair of the Faculty Search Committee via fax or telephone for confirmation. _____________________________________________________________________

國立臺灣大學工學院應用力學研究所徵聘教師 本所擬徵聘應用力學相關領域研究專長之專任教師(助理教授以上)一名。應徵者之研究領域以(一)材料力學(Mechanics of Materials)、(二)動力與控制(Dynamics and Control)、(三)流體力學(Fluid Dynamics)為優先考慮。

應徵者請備詳細履歷,博士學位證書影本,五年內代表著作(自2008 年8 月起),七年內參考著作(自2006 年8 月起),研究及教學計畫,及三位推薦人資料(姓名、服務單位、職務、e-mail address),於2012 年12 月31日前,以e-mail 或郵寄(郵戳為憑)寄至臺北市106 國立臺灣大學應用力學研究所劉琦瑋小姐收(e-mail: liucw@iam.ntu.edu.tw)。聯絡電話: 02-3366-5602、傳真:02-2363-9290web: http://www.iam.ntu.edu.tw/---------Faculty Position Opening Institute of Applied Mechanics College of Engineering National Taiwan University

The Institute of Applied Mechanics, College of Engineering, National Taiwan University, invites applications for one full-time faculty position. The Institute offers graduate degrees in Applied Mechanics, and is currently enrolled with over 170 students for master degrees and more than 60 students for Ph.D. degrees. Further information about the Institute can be found in http://www.iam.ntu.edu.tw/. Candidates must have an earned doctorate in Engineering, Physics, or a closely related field with research interests in the following areas: (1) Mechanics of Materials, (2) Dynamics and Control, and (3) Fluid Dynamics. Interested applicants please send their curriculum vitae, statements of research and teaching plans, one representative publication (which appears after August 1, 2008), several reference publications (which appear after August 1, 2006) and names of three recommenders (title, affiliation, e-mail address) and other supporting documents to: Miss Chi-Wei Liu (e-mail: liucw@iam.ntu.edu.tw), Institute of Applied Mechanics, College of Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan 106, Republic of China. Applications should be received no later than December 31, 2012._____________________________________________________________________



資格:具有博士學位,並具有華語教學能力。職位:教授、副教授、助理教授。專長:應徵者以具有以下領域中之一種專長為優先:  東方哲學:儒家與宋明理學、近現代中國哲學。  西方哲學:邏輯、倫理學、形上學。  除領域專長外,必須能擔任本系必修課程之教學。申請資料:一、學位證書影本二、履歷自傳三、著作目錄四、經歷證件影本(助理教授須附博士成績證明)。五、專長與研究方向六、曾授課程大綱(無教學經歷者免)  可開授課程大綱(包括本系必修科目)七、著作一式四份(代表作以3種為限,須為起聘日前5年內,亦即2008年8月以後發表之著作,參考著作則須為起聘日前7年內,亦即2006年8月以後發表之著作)八、推薦書二封

申請截止日期:2012年12月31日。(以本系收件為準)預定起聘日期:2013年8月1日。郵寄收件地址:106臺灣臺北市大安區羅斯福路四段1號              國立臺灣大學哲學系辦公室       (信封上請註明「應徵哲學系教職」)

連絡電話:886-2-33663396    傳真:886-2-23636269E-mail:ymlai@ntu.edu.tw   Website:http://www.philo.ntu.edu.tw/ 

Department of Philosophy, National Taiwan University, Taiwan.Teaching Positions Opening

The Department of Philosophy at National Taiwan University invites applications for the positions at the level of Professor, Associate Professor, or Assistant Professor. Teaching appointment is effective from August 1, 2013.

Qualification: Ph.D. in Philosophy or related fields.

Specializations (Applicants specializing in one of the following areas are most preferred):1. Chinese philosophy: Confucian Philosophy and Sung-Ming Neo-Confucianism, Modern & Contemporary Chinese Philosophy.2. Western philosophy: Logics, Ethics, Metaphysics.

Other Requirements: Applicants must be competent in teaching in Mandarin and prepared to offer mandatory courses (teaching experiences are preferred but not required).

Application Materials:(1)Photocopy of Certificate of Doctoral DegreeAn official Transcript of doctoral studies is required for the application for the position of Assistant Professor(2)Curriculum Vitae(3)Publication list(4)Description of working experiences and/or special honors (if any)(5)Statement of research specializations and academic interests(6)Course syllabi (previously offered courses, and courses to be offered including required courses in the department)(7)Four copies of dissertation or (up to three) major publications (after August 2008) and four copies of other publications for reference (after August 2006)(Please specify Major publications and For Reference publications.)(8)Two letters of recommendation

Deadline: All application materials should be received no later than December 31, 2012.

Please send your dossier to the following addressDepartment of PhilosophyNational Taiwan University1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt RoadTaipei, Taiwan, 106

ContactPhone: 886-2-33663396  Fax: 886-2-23636269E-mail: ymlai@ntu.edu.tw Website: http://www.philo.ntu.edu.tw/_____________________________________________________________________






意者請將相關資料寄至   (10617)臺北市羅斯福路四段一號臺灣大學數學系收亦可將相關資料用E-mail寄至mailbox@math.ntu.edu.tw聯絡電話:(02) 33662815傳真號碼:(02) 23914439

臺大數學系網址: http://www.math.ntu.edu.tw/截 止 日 期 :2013年2月15日(專任教師)       2013年3月15日(博士後研究員)_____________________________________________________________________


一、 應徵資格:具有博士學位(或於聘任程序前備證書)專攻下列領域

二、 研究專長:(一)策略管理(二)行銷管理(三)科技管理(四)組織行為與人力資源管理(五)作業管理與決策科學(六)管理科學與財務應用

三、 起聘時間:2013年8月1日申請文件繳交截止時間 2013年 3月12日意者請備 (一) 履歷表(二) 學經歷證書影本(三) 最近三年內代表著作摘要(四) 大學(含)以上成績單(五) 可教授課程名稱及其課程大綱概述(六) 教學評鑑資料(有教學經驗者)(七) 未來五年教學、研究、服務之發展目標及策略(八) 推薦信兩封以下資料於初審通過後再繳交(九) 最近五年內代表著作及七年內參考著作一式三份(代表著作須為在國內外知名學術或專業刊物發表或已為接受且出具證明將定期發表或經出版公開發行者,聘任為助理教授等級者則得以其博士學位論文為代表作送審)

請將申請文件(請於信封上註明申請教職類別)於繳交時間內寄達106臺北市羅斯福路四段一號(或以電子郵件同時寄送)臺灣大學工商管理學系朱文儀主任 wenyichu@ ntu.edu.tw 收

四、聯絡電話:(02-33661059 姚助教)或EMAIL:hyyao@ntu.edu.tw_____________________________________________________________________







(五)聯 絡 人:簡淑芬 助教電  話:(02)23123456分機65489 E-mail:forensic@ntu.edu.tw_____________________________________________________________________



The Department of Geography at National Taiwan University is now inviting applications for two appointments at all ranks beginning August 2013. Qualified candidates must hold a Ph.D. degree in geography or related academic disciplines at the time of application. We seek applicants whose teaching interests and research calibers can enhance the existing capacities of the department. Applicants should be proficient in lecturing in either English or Mandarin Chinese.

The Department has 16 full-time faculty members, over 90 graduate students in Ph.D. and Master’s programs, and 180 undergraduate majors. The Department is well equipped with computing facilities and research laboratories. For more information about the Department please visit http://www.geog.ntu.edu.tw/.

Interested applicants should submit the following materials in a package to Prof. Jinn-Yuh Hsu by December 31, 2012: (1) a letter of application describing how he/she would contribute to the Department’s teaching and research program; (2) a detailed curriculum vitae; (3) a publication list; (4) three reference letters.

Professor Jinn-Yuh HsuChair, Department of Geography National Taiwan UniversityNo. 1, Section 4, Roosevelt RoadTaipei, Taiwan 106Tel: +886-2-33665820; Fax: +886-2-23622911Email: jinnyuh@ntu.edu.tw_____________________________________________________________________

經濟學系徵聘專任教師   一、職別:助理教授(含)以上二、資格(一)需具學歷:經濟學或相關系所博士學位(二)專長領域:不拘三、名額:數名四、應檢具資料:(一)個人履歷表、著作目錄。(二) 5年內代表著作、7年內參考著作。(三)學位證明文件影本1份。(四)曾任教職者請檢附教師資格證書影本1份。(五)推薦函3份。(六)博士班歷年成績單(正本、影本均可)。五、申請方式:請備妥資料以掛號郵寄100臺北市徐州路21號臺大經濟系鄭秀玲主任或以電子郵件傳送至ntu.recruit@gmail.com。六、截止期限:102年1月31日(欲參加2013AEA年會者,請於101年12月5日前寄達本系或以電子郵件傳送至ntu.recruit@gmail.com)。七、聯絡人:鄭秀玲主任 電話:(02)2351-5468 傳真:(02)2321-5704。 Email:sljang@ntu.edu.tw網址:http://www.econ.ntu.edu.tw _____________________________________________________________________臺大醫學院護理學系誠徵專任教師。請至臺大醫學院網址下載下列表格並核算計分http://www.mc.ntu.edu.tw/staff/person/html/form.html。截止日期:101年 12 月25 日(寄達日期)。收件地址:100 臺北市中正區仁愛路一段一號「臺大醫學院護理學系」黃璉華主任收(請註明應徵教師)。聯絡電話:(02)2312-3456分機88435李小姐E-Mail:lhhuang@ntu.edu.tw。_____________________________________________________________________

臺大醫學院護理學系誠徵專任教師(一)應徵資格:1. 具本國護理師證書2. 具護理學博士學位3. 能勝任護理教學,且具獨立研究能力4. 具精神科護理專長者尤佳(二)檢具資料:1.履歷表(含個人資料、學歷、經歷、專長領域、擬應徵職級及聯絡電話、E-Mail)2.最高學歷證書影本、部定教師資格影本、護理師證書影本3.教學計畫書及未來研究計畫、研究領域4.論文目錄表(如下※說明)5.五年內主要代表著作抽印本或影印本(上述1~5項資料請依序排列,一式七份)6.推薦函三封。※請至臺大醫學院網址,下載下列表格並核算計分http://www.mc.ntu.edu.tw/staff/person/html/form.html1.論文目錄表Ⅲ-1(供核算歸類計分用) 2.論文目錄表Ⅲ-2(最近五年內論文目錄) 3.論文目錄表Ⅲ-3(績優論文目錄)(三)截止日期:101年 12 月25 日(寄達日期)。(四)起聘時間:102年8月起聘。(五)收件地址:100 臺北市中正區仁愛路一段一號「臺大醫學院護理學系」黃璉華主任收(請註明應徵教師)(六)聯絡電話:(02)2312-3456分機88435 李小姐傳真專線:(02)2321-9913 E-Mail:lhhuang@ntu.edu.tw