

於2013年12月28日前將上述資料合併為一個PDF檔,以E-mail方式寄給高文媛所長(ieeb@oikos.lifescience.ntu.edu.tw)。另請三位推薦者直接將介紹信以PDF 檔寄達上述電子信箱。


Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary BiologyNational Taiwan UniversityPosition AnnouncementProfessor, Associate, or Assistant ProfessorPlant EcologyThe Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (IEEB) at National Taiwan University (NTU) invites applications for two faculty positions in plant ecology at the assistant professor level or higher levels with an anticipated starting date of August 1, 2014. All areas of plant ecology will be considered, however, experience in community and population ecology, theoretical and modeling approaches, conservation issues, vegetation dynamics, plant systematics, phcology (physiology & ecology) plant chemical ecology, and plant secondary metabolites are preferred.

QUALIFICATIONS: The applicant must have a Ph.D. degree and post-doctoral experience is desirable. Ability to collaborate with other scientists and effective oral and written communications skills are required.

RESPONSIBILITY: Successful candidates will be expected to develop and maintain an active research program supported by extramural funding, train graduate and undergraduate students, participate in graduate and undergraduate teaching, and participate in service needs. The potential candidate will also be responsible to teach biology and/or ecology course for undergraduates. The NTU and the College of Life Science have excellent core facilities to support modern biology research. IEEB would provide ample space and starting fund in addition to the competitive funding from National Science Council.

How to Apply: Applications must include a cover letter addressing qualifications, a current curriculum vitae, statement of future teaching and research plans, proof and transcripts of Ph.D. degree, and a list of publication since 2009 and PDF file for each publication. Documents are sent by electronic mail before December 28, 2013 to Professor Wen-Yuan Kao, the director of the Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, at ieeb@oikos.lifescience.ntu.edu.tw. Three reference letters are required as PDF file and send to the same email address above . Review of the applications will begin from December 28, 2013. The position will remain open until filled.