
文:工管四 吳宛芸






經過半天的臺北City Tour大家都累了,但從外籍生臉上的笑容可知,大家對這次的行程甚為滿意,他們不僅對中華文化有更一層的認識,同時也對大稻埕的歷史有初步的體悟。學習,在人生中是一個不間段的旅程,希望這次的「古蹟行腳」可以讓他們更了解臺灣。

Taipei City Tour--- Building the future from understanding the pastIt was 2 o’clock in the afternoon, and with that came heavy rains. However, rain could not stop us from our goal of exploring the city of Taipei. Our adventure began on a rain-soaked bus towards the first destination of our adventure.

The first stop on the Taipei tour was the Beimen MRT station area. Our NTU buddies introduced the famous Taipei sites and scenery to our recently arrived exchange students, providing them a Chinese language lesson about Taiwanese food and getting them excited about the rest of the tour. And then we proceeded to the first real stop of the tour, Yongle Market.

Since the Japanese colonial period, Yongle Market has served as the biggest textiles and retail clothing market in Taipei. Our exchange students milled about the market and checked out the various types of clothing on display. From there, we proceeded to the Xia Hai Temple. We explained the various temple worship traditions here in Taiwan, such as praying, burning paper money, and the usage of offerings.

Though these traditions were said to be routine for us, many exchange students found them to be completely new experiences. Walking alone Dihua Street, we passed by many Chinese herbal medicines stores and tea shops. Exchange students shared the different ways in which they use the same ingredients in their own countries and cuisines.

The last stop was the Ri Xing Type Foundry, which is an old production center for Chinese block-print typography. Here, small blocks are milled for use in printing traditional Chinese characters on paper, an art that is rapidly being lost in the age of computing but preserved here for future generations to see. We explained the meaning of different Chinese words to exchange students, as well as symbols for different numbers in Chinese and their intrinsic meanings in Chinese culture.

After a half-day of touring Taipei City, we were all tired, but the smiles on the exchange students’ faces showed that they had enjoyed the experience. This tour was offered as an opportunity to gain a deeper appreciation for Chinese culture as well as the local culture. Learning is said to be an endless journey in life, and we hope that such a tour will be just one of many memorable experiences that exchange students will have during their time in Taiwan.