生物資源暨農學院附設山地實驗農場 2018年梅峰春之饗宴登場





臺大山地農場位於南投縣仁愛鄉,在臺14甲線14.5公里處,海拔2100公尺。為維護場內遊憩品質,除住宿來賓外,僅提供有預約的身障車輛(每日10輛)及小客車(每日 40輛,停車費200元)進場內停車;遊覽車請事先預約梅峰門口下客;自2月21日開始受理車輛預約,最遲於來場前一天中午前預約,預約專線(049)2801810,假日及非上班時間可於官網「表格下載」區下載「停車預約表」,填寫後傳真至(049)2801239。未預約車輛一律停放於翠峰分場(臺14甲線約17.5公里處),轉搭接駁車(來回40元)至梅峰門口付費入場。更多詳情請上農場官網查詢http://mf.ntu.edu.tw/


Highland Experimental Farm, National Taiwan University2018 Spring Festival

This festival will begin at 3/16, welcome to our party.The spring festival which is grand celebration once a year as soon as begin at March 16 to April 1 in Mei Feng welcome to join us! The spring festival exhibits various flowers and provides guide commentary. During this period, there was an easy way that you can take the Nantou Bus “Puli Station-Songgang” line or “Taichung Station – Puli Station – Cingjing Farm” line to our farm. The following website has more information.


This year, the spring festival motive is 「Mei Feng Fun Travel」and activity would be open at 8:30 to 15:00 every day.You can buy the tickets at the entrance if you take the bus then will get a small gift. There has some subject area like “Temperate flowers area”, “organic agriculture area “and “Sanyaso area” (plants growing wild in fields and mountains) you can see especially flowers and plants in these areas, for example, “Taiwan Pleione”,”Ornamental Cabbage” and “Anemone chinensis”. Furthermore, we provide guide commentary in “Temperate flowers Zone” and “Field treasure hunt area” in each 10 to 20 mins all day except lunchtime during the period that is different from the past.

There are two special activities you must to know which is the request for free: First, you can get forest seedlings at 3/19 and 3/20 each one person have two seedlings. Second, you can get an air purification plant if you wear cloth with an animal picture at 3/26 and 3/27.

Mei Fung farm is located at “Taiwan A Line 14” 14.5k and elevation 2,100 m. If you drive a car comes to Mei Fung you need to make a reservation for parking space inside the farm, otherwise, you would park your car in “Taiwan A Line 14” 17.5k and take a shuttle bus (40 NT$) into Mei Fung. The following website has more informationhttp://mf.ntu.edu.tw/