
為更凝聚GMBA Program的學生與校友,GMBA 學生會會長Tina Lai和副會長Justin Hu共同舉辦本次的跨年派對,而會選在Baba Kevin’s American BBQ餐廳舉行此次歲末倒數派對是希望讓每位參加者都能近距離欣賞到臺北101的著名煙火秀。對於一些外籍學生來說,這次的倒數計時跨年活動是他們此生第一次在異鄉與這麼多人一同度過。隨著煙火逐漸接近尾聲,整場活動的氣氛也順勢推到最高點。

這個餐廳提供的正宗美國燒烤餐點非常令人驚艷,而開放酒吧的設計讓與會的GMBA學生、校友,以及EiMBA Program的學生自然且熱烈的互動,大家都相當興奮能共同慶祝2018年的到來。當然,我們的國際學生不只對煙火秀感到驚喜,他們也對滿街都是慶祝跨年的熱情人群感到驚訝。


文: GMBA辦公室英文: GMBA一年級 賴筱婷

NTU GMBA Year-End Party Brings Everyone Closer to Each Other

To build a stronger community amongst our GMBA compatriots, Tina Lai (賴筱婷) and Justin Hu (胡乃元) organized a year-end New Year’s Eve Extravaganza. The New Year’s Eve Countdown Party was hosted at Baba Kevin’s American BBQ, close enough to give everyone attending a view of Taipei 101’s famous year-end fireworks. For some students, this party was their first countdown in Taipei, and excitement ran high as time to the tower’s signature fireworks drew near.

Two other highlights were definitely the open bar and Baba Kevin’s authentic American BBQ. It was great to see a mix of students from the College of Management, including GMBA friends from multiple class years and students from EiMBA, who happily joined this event to celebrate and welcome 2018 together. Of course, our international guests were surprised by not only the fireworks but also the enthusiastic crowd gathered to celebrate.

Throughout the night and after, people raved about the amazing food and drinks that complemented the astonishing views. Most importantly, the party offered us all an opportunity for some well-deserved rest and brought our GMBA family closer together.

(Original Chinese text by NTU GMBA Office; English version translated by Tina Lai, 1st-year student of NTU GMBA Program)