臺大寫作教學中心 2018三分鐘英語學術簡報競賽馮聖富奪冠

臺大寫作教學中心Academic Writing Education Center, NTU 2018三分鐘英語學術簡報競賽圓滿落幕。得獎名單如下:

首獎 Michael Feng 馮聖富NTU, Institute of Biochemical Science“Key & Scissors: Ending Mutant DNA in Mitochondria” 貳獎 First Runner-upChin-I Lin 林晉毅TU, Department of Mechanical Engineering“Pedelecs: A Better Personal Vehicle”

參獎及觀眾票選獎Second Runner-up &People''s Choice AwardYogi Tri Prasetyo 樂代義NTUST, Industrial Management - Human Factors and Ergonomics“Enhancing Military Camouflage: A New Approach”

首獎一名 Winner 獎金NT$14,000

貳獎一名 First Runner-up獎金NT$12,000

參獎一名 Second Runner-up獎金NT$10,000

觀眾票選獎一名 People''s Choice Award獎金NT$8,000

主辦單位:國立臺灣大學寫作教學中心 National Taiwan University Academic Writing Education Center

協辦單位:國立臺灣大學教務處 National Taiwan University Office of Academic Affairs國立臺灣大學系統 NTU System國立臺灣師範大學教務處 National Taiwan Normal University Office of Academic Affairs國立臺灣科技大學教學資源中心 National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Teaching and Learning Center
