

一、  專任助理教授資格:

1) 具中華民國醫師執照。

2) 具中華民國皮膚科專科醫師資格。

3) 中華民國教育部部定證書。

4) 具服務及教學熱忱。

二、  專任副教授資格:

   1) 具中華民國醫師執照。

   2) 具中華民國皮膚科專科醫師資格。

   3) 中華民國教育部部定證書。

   4) 具獨立研究能力及教學熱忱,且具皮膚免疫基礎研究能力,並有三年內SCI論文發表者優先。 三、  檢具資料:個人履歷、五年內著作目錄及代表著作抽印本或影本、學經歷證件影本、教學及研究計畫書各7份及兩封推薦函。 四、  起聘日期:2020年8月1日 五、  應徵截止日期:即日起至2019年12月23日下午5點止,寄達或親送資料。 六、  收件地址:100台北市中山南路7號        台大醫院皮膚部主任室(請註明應徵專任教師) 七、  聯絡方式:電話:(02)2356-2141吳瑗瑩小姐        傳真:(02)2393-4177        e-mail:109970@ntuh.gov.tw


NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITYDepartment of Electrical EngineeringFaculty Openings

The top choice for the students in natural sciences and engineering is inviting you to join us to establish a world-class department.

1.We are seeking applicants with enthusiasm in teaching and potential in research, and invite applications for faculty positions of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor, whose research interests lie in all areas of Electrical Engineering (but not limited) as follows: Multi-Agent Systems, Intelligent Robotics, Mechatronics, and General Control AreasPower Electronics, Renewable Energy, and Smart GridAdvanced CMOS, Nanoelectronics, Nanophotonics, Display, Memory Technologies, Quantum Technologies, Bioelectronics, IoT Devices, E-Beam LithographyBiomedical Electronics, Biomedical Imaging, Nano-Biotechnology, Biophotonics,and Bioinformatics, Medical Informatics, Neuroengineering, Computational Bioengineering, Biomedical SensorsEmbedded Systems, Cloud/Green/Ubiquitous/Mobile Computing and Networking, Security, Machine Learning, Data-centric ComputingMicrowave and Millimeter-wave Techniques, Antennas and Applications, Electromagnetic Theory and Computational Techniques, IoT Enabling Technologies, THz TechnologiesCommunications, Signal Processing, Optimization, Information Theory, and Emerging Fields in the Aforementioned AreasSoC Design (AI/ML Chips, Embedded Processor, Memory Design, Green Electronics, Medical Electronics, Sensor Electronics, THz Circuits, Quantum Circuits, Si Photonics)Computer Science and Engineering, Data Science and EngineeringElectronic Design Automation (EDA)Photonics for 3D Sensing, Emerging Display Technologies, Optical Communications & Optical Interconnects (including components/modules/systems for LiDAR, 5G, data center), Ultrahigh Speed Optoelectronics Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, IoT, Social Networks, CyberSecurity, Data-centric Computing and Networking2. To apply for a faculty position, please visit our website at https://ee.ntu.edu.tw/eeoffice/ntueejob/ for on-line application with the following materials. 1) Cover Letter2) A curriculum vitae, along with a full publication list and a teaching and research plan3) Reprints of 1-3 publications within the past 3 years4) Two or more reference letters (sent directly to us by your referees)5) A copy of the highest diploma granted (or a proof of Ph.D. degree to be granted by July 31, 2020)6) Original copies of undergraduate and graduate transcripts.Please also send a hardcopy of your application materials to the following address by November 30, 2019:Professor Chung-Chih Wu, Chairman Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University, No. 1, Section 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei 10617, Taiwan ROC. For more details:E-mail: wucc@ntu.edu.tw Tel.: +886-2-33663700 ext. 123 Fax: +886-2-23671909URL: http://www.ee.ntu.edu.tw/3. All ranks of Professor are compensated in accordance with the salary rank published by Ministry of Education. Additional faculty merit pay include NTU Subsidy for Incoming Distinguished Talents, support from Foundation for the Advancement of Outstanding Scholarship, Principle Investigator’s salary from Industrial-Academic Cooperation Projects, etc. More information can be found in the NTU Faculty Handbook.( http://event.ntu.edu.tw/facultyhandbook/en/about-ntu/)



一、 誠徵電機相關領域具有教學熱忱及優秀研究績效之教授、副教授、助理教授若干名,需求專長 (但不限於)如下:

Multi-Agent Systems, Intelligent Robotics, Mechatronics, and General Control AreasPower Electronics, Renewable Energy, and Smart GridAdvanced CMOS, Nanoelectronics, Nanophotonics, Display, Memory Technologies, Quantum Technologies, Bioelectronics, IoT Devices, E-Beam LithographyBiomedical Electronics, Biomedical Imaging, Nano-Biotechnology, Biophotonics, and Bioinformatics, Medical Informatics, Neuroengineering, Computational Bioengineering, Biomedical SensorsEmbedded Systems, Cloud/Green/Ubiquitous/Mobile Computing and Networking, Security, Machine Learning, Data-centric ComputingMicrowave and Millimeter-wave Techniques, Antennas and Applications, Electromagnetic Theory and Computational Techniques, IoT Enabling Technologies, THz TechnologiesCommunications, Signal Processing, Optimization, Information Theory, and Emerging Fields in the Aforementioned AreasSoC Design (AI/ML Chips, Embedded Processor, Memory Design, Green Electronics, Medical Electronics, Sensor Electronics, THz Circuits, Quantum Circuits, Si Photonics)Computer Science and Engineering, Data Science and EngineeringElectronic Design Automation (EDA)Photonics for 3D Sensing, Emerging Display Technologies, Optical Communications & Optical Interconnects (including components/modules/systems for LiDAR, 5G, data center), Ultrahigh Speed OptoelectronicsDeep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, IoT, Social Networks, CyberSecurity, Data-centric Computing and Networking

二、 有意申請者請檢具下列資料,先上網https://ee.ntu.edu.tw/eeoffice/ntueejob/填寫及上傳相關資料,紙本資料請於2019年11月30日前寄至下列地址臺北市106羅斯福路四段一號國立臺灣大學電機工程學系 吳忠幟主任收

1. 申請信2. 個人履歷表,需附著作目錄並簡述未來教學研究方向3. 代表性著作影本(近三年發表之論文著作1~3篇)4. 推薦信(至少2封,請推薦人直接寄達)5. 最高學歷證書影本(或即將取得博士學位之權責單位開立之證明文件正本)6. 大學及研究所歷年成績單正本  E-mail: wucc@ntu.edu.tw; 聯絡電話:+886-2-33663700 ext 123;傳真:+886-2-23671909網址:http://www.ee.ntu.edu.tw



國立臺灣大學 教師 徵才公告

一、 聘任單位:生物資源暨農學院 生物機電工程學系

二、 應徵領域:「智慧農業」相關

三、 職稱:助理教授(含)以上一名

四、 起聘時間:預定2020年8月1日

五、 資格: (一)需具學歷:工程相關領域博士學位 (二)專長領域:機電整合相關,且能開授「微控制器原理與應用-機電整合(一)」、「感測器原理與應用-機電整合(二) 」、「致動器原理與應用-機電整合(三)」、「機電整合與系統設計-機電整合(四)」或「自動控制」課程者為優先考量。

六、 工作項目:教學、研究、服務

七、 工作地點:本校生物機電工程學系

八、 應檢具資料:(一)中英文履歷 (中英文各一份,至少必須包含出生年月日、各級畢業學校、畢業年份、專長領域﹝請以250字以內簡述﹞、現職、經歷) (二)七年內 (2013年8月1日以後) 著作目錄 (註明是否為SCI期刊) 及五年內 (2015年8月1日以後) 已發表於SCI期刊之代表著作乙份﹝應徵助理教授者得以三年內之博士論文為代表著作﹞(三)未來研究構想及詳細開課計畫各乙份(四)學位證書影本(五)研究所與大學部成績單(應徵助理教授者)(六)推薦函兩封或推薦者清單 (至少兩名,含電子郵件信箱與電話等聯絡方式)

九、 申請截止日期:即日起至2019年11月15日前寄達

十、 郵寄地點收件人:10617台北市大安區羅斯福路四段一號國立臺灣大學生物機電工程學系「新聘教師甄選委員會」收。

十一、 系主任 陳林祈教授 Email chenlinchi@ntu.edu.tw聯絡人:王友俊博士,Email:wangecaa@ntu.edu.tw電話:02-33665369本系網址https://www.bime.ntu.edu.tw/


國立臺灣大學政治學系徵聘專任教師 公告



三、專長: (一)政治理論組:比較政治、經驗政治。(二)國際關係組:國際關係(西方/非西方國關理論、國關的新興議題、區域性國關議題、談判與衝突等)。(三)公共行政組:政治經濟學、行政學、公共政策、人事行政。(與公共事務研究所合聘)



(一)中文學經歷簡介一份。1.含基本資料、學經歷簡介、學術專長、歷年著作目錄等。2.明列曾修習與應徵領域相關之課程、或曾發表之論著。3.明列可或曾開授與應徵領域相關之課程名稱及課程大綱概述。(二)身分證明文件影本一份。(三)博士學位證明文件影本一份或畢業學校權責單位開具臨時學位證明文件一份。(四)曾任教職者須附曾任教職之證明文件影本一份。(五)歷年成績單:   1. 申請專任助理教授者,須檢附大學以上(含大學)修業成績單一份(正本、影本均可,如獲聘任,屆時須繳交博士班歷年修業成績單正本)。  2. 申請專任副教授或專任教授者,須檢附博士班歷年修業成績單正本。(六)5年內代表著作(請指明並僅限一種)及7年內參考著作,各一式四份。(獲得博士學位五年內之申請人,博士論文若未列為代表著作或參考著作者,請檢附博士論文一份)(七)推薦函二份。(具副教授、教授證書者免附)


七、應徵時間:截止日為108年12月10日止(逾期或資料不全者,恕無法受理);預定用人時間: 109年8月。

八、聯絡方式:電話:(02)3366-8450 傳真:(02)2365-3433       聯絡人:鄧小姐 E-mail:dengyafan@ntu.edu.tw



Faculty Position OpeningInstitute of Applied Mechanics College of Engineering, National Taiwan University

The Institute of Applied Mechanics, College of Engineering, National Taiwan University, invites applications for a full-time faculty position. Candidates at the level of Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor will be considered. Successful candidate should demonstrate solid training and innovative research in the broad area of applied mechanics. Those with research fields in connection with novel applications of mechanics in energy technology, smart machinery, biomedical technology, or defense technology are especially welcomed. Proven experience in working with interdisciplinary research team is desirable. Passion in graduate teaching is essential. Candidates must have an earned doctoral degree (or equivalent) in engineering, physics, or related discipline.

Interested applicants should fill out the application form which can be downloaded from the website:https://www.space.ntu.edu.tw/navigate/s/65B26FB33438441DB5335B94DB7F9C08QQY and send the form with the required documents in electronic files to: Director/Professor Horn-Jiunn Sheen at liucw@iam.ntu.edu.tw. The application materials may also be sent in hard copies to Institute of Applied Mechanics, College of Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan 106, Republic of China. Applications should be received no later than December 17, 2019. Applicants should ascertain that three recommendation letters are sent to the Institute by the referees before the deadline. The National Taiwan University (ranked 69 in the QS World University Rankings), about 33,000 students (half graduate students) and over 2,200 faculty members, is the flagship university in Taiwan. The Institute of Applied Mechanics currently enrolls with over 174 students for master’s degrees and more than 27 students for doctoral degrees. Further information about the Institute can be found in http://www.iam.ntu.edu.tw/.

Contact Person: Miss Chi-Wei LiuTel: +886-2-33665602,Fax: +886-2-23639290E-mail: liucw@iam.ntu.edu.tw





聯絡人:劉琦瑋小姐聯絡電話:02-3366-5602、傳真:02-2363-9290e-mail: liucw@iam.ntu.edu.twweb: http://www.iam.ntu.edu.tw/


國立臺灣大學藝術史研究所徵 聘 專 任 教 師




1. 具藝術史或相關領域之博士學位。2. 專長領域:亞洲藝術史。



  1.每學期至少開授二門課(大學部及研究所各一門),可用中文或英文授課。  2.輔導學生、指導研究生學位論文。  3.協助各類行政事務。


1.本所應徵申請表(請由本所網頁下載)2.中文或英文個人履歷一份3.歷年著作目錄一份4.博士學位畢業證書影本一份(或臨時學位證明文件正本一份)5.博士班歷年成績單正本一份(無成績單者,請提供校方相關說明書正本一份)6.五年內代表著作最多三種,各四份(必須為2015年8月以後出版)7.七年內參考著作最多三種,各四份(必須為2013年8月以後出版)8.二位推薦人的姓名及聯絡方式9.如有現職及經歷證明文件,請務必提供影本一份10.如有中華民國教育部核發之教師證書,請務必提供影本一份 11.擬開大學部及研究所各一門之課程大綱


八、郵寄地址:   10617臺北市羅斯福路四段1號 國立臺灣大學 藝術史研究所黃蘭翔所長 收   (信封上請務必註明「申請教職」)

九、洽詢人:鄭玉華助教;電話:886-2-33664223;電子信箱: yukwahc@ntu.edu.tw


Full-time Faculty Position

Graduate Institute of Art HistoryNational Taiwan University

Tel: 886-2-3366-4220; Fax: 886-2-2363-9096No.1, Sec.4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, Taiwan 10617

The Graduate Institute of Art History of National Taiwan University invites applications for one faculty position at all ranks (Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor) to begin in August 2020.

We welcome applications from any scholars who can enhance and broaden the existing research profile of the institute, but are particularly interested in specialists in the following area: History of Asian Art. Applicants must have earned a Ph.D. degree in art history or related fields. Chinese proficiency is preferred but not mandatory. Responsibilities will include teaching at undergraduate and graduate levels, thesis supervision, student advising, and administrative/committee services.

Submissions must be postmarked by November 30, 2019. The application package should include the following:

1. Application form (Please download from our website)

2. Curriculum vitae

3. List of publications

4. Copy of Ph.D. diploma (or a formal temporary certificate issued by the university)

5. Transcript of the highest degree (or Enrollment Certificate)

6. Representative publications: up to three academic works published after August, 2015 (four hard copies of each)

7. Supporting publications: up to three additional supporting works published after August, 2013 (four hard copies of each)

8. Names and contact information of two referees

9. Evidence of work experience (if any) 

10. Copy of Teacher Certificate issued by Ministry of Education, Taiwan R.O.C. (if any)

11. Syllabi for a liberal education course (for undergraduate students) and a seminar course (for graduate students)

The application package should be mailed directly to:Dr. Lan-shiang HuangDirectorGraduate Institute of Art HistoryNational Taiwan University No.1, Sec.4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei 10617,Taiwan (R.O.C.)

For further information, please contact:Ms. Yukwah ChengE-mail: yukwahc@ntu.edu.twTel: 886-2-33664223



國立臺灣大學生化科技學系誠徵助理教授級 (含) 以上專任教師4名,分別擔任營養科學 (2名)、應用微生物與生物技術 (1名)、生物化學 (1名)等領域課程及相關實驗課程之教學,預計自2020年8月1日起聘。


有博士後研究或教學經歷者尤佳。應徵者請將自薦信 (需註明擬申請之教學領域,複選者請註明優先順序,並指定2015年8月1日以後之代表著作1-3篇)、個人履歷表、學經歷證件影本、教學計畫書、研究計畫書、歷年著作目錄及2013年8月1日以後之著作電子檔等合併成單一PDF檔,於2019年11月10日前寄至本系新聘教師甄選委員會電子信箱ntubst@ntu.edu.tw。


聯絡電話:02-33662279,傳真:02-33662271,網址: http://www.bst.ntu.edu.tw。



The Department of Biochemical Science and Technology, College of Life Science, National Taiwan University is inviting applications for four faculty positions at Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Full Professor level beginning on August 1, 2020.

The holders of the positions are required to teach Nutrition Science (2 positions), Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (1 position) or Biochemistry (1 position), and the corresponding laboratory courses.

The applicant should hold Ph.D. degree and focus on the basic and translational research regarding health, medicine or food security, such as, but not limited to, Nutritional Biotechnology, Precision Nutrition, Preventive and Precision Medicine, Microbiome and Biotechnology, Synthetic Biology, or Biochemistry.

The preference will be given to those with postdoctoral and teaching experiences. In the cover letter, the applicant should indicate the primary teaching area or state the priority if there is more than one, and designate one to three representative publications published after August 1, 2015.

The applicant should submit a PDF file, composed of the cover letter, curriculum vitae, diploma and working experience certificate, teaching plan, research proposal, publication list, and publication reprints (published after August 1, 2013), and arrange three references to send the letter of recommendation to the Faculty Searching Committee (ntubst@ntu.edu.tw) by November 10, 2019.

Contact information: Tel: +886-2-33662279, Fax: +886-2-33662271, Website: http://www.bst.ntu.edu.tw. 























1.論文目錄表Ⅲ-1 (須為SCI或SSCI)



(三)截止日期:2019年 12 月16日(含)下午5點前截止收件


(四)收件地址:100 臺北市中正區仁愛路一段一號

臺大醫學院護理學系 胡文郁主任收(請註明應徵專任教師)

(五)聯絡電話:(02)2312-3456分機88435 李小姐











Assistant Professor or above

The Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology (IMCB) in the College of Life Science at National Taiwan University (NTU) invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the Assistant Professor level or above. Applicants must have an earned Ph.D. and at least one-year post-doctoral experience. We seek candidates pursuing innovative research in any cutting-edge fields of molecular and cellular biology. The successful candidates are expected to (1) teach undergraduate and graduate courses in related disciplines; (2) develop and perform extramurally funded research; and (3) carry out the academic service responsibilities. This tenure-track faculty position begins from August of 2020.

Information about the IMCB at NTU is available at http://cell.lifescience.ntu.edu.tw/english/index.htm.

Applicants should submit a single PDF document by email, including a cover letter addressing qualifications, CV with a publication list, teaching statements, research plans, and the reprints of representative papers within five years, to our secretary Ms. Ya-Ling Wei (ntuclsimcb@ntu.edu.tw). Three confidential letters of reference should be sent from referees by email to ntuclsimcb@ntu.edu.tw. Complete application materials should be received by October 20, 2019.



一、專長:● 理論數學

● 計算與應用數學、機率與金融數學、統計科學、資料科學等相關領域。

● 專案教學教師










a. 本系所「新任專任教師額外加給」,每月25000元,至多三年。

b. 本系所「系友會青年數學家講座」,每年500000至1200000元,至多5年。

c. 本校「新進專任教師額外加給」,每月40000元至80000元,至多三年。

d. 本系所亦將協助傑出之教師爭取教育部玉山學者、科技部愛因斯坦以及哥倫布等計畫。




聯絡電話:(02) 33662822

傳真號碼:(02) 23914439

臺大數學系網址: http://www.math.ntu.edu.tw/hiring



NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITYDepartment of Mathematics and Institute of Applied Mathematical Sciences

The Department of Mathematics and Institute of Applied Mathematical Sciences at National Taiwan University invite applications for several openings at the levels of tenure-track or non-tenure-track assistant, associate and full professors. The positions begin from August 1, 2020 and are open for the research areas of

● pure mathematics, and

● computational and applied mathematics, probability and financial mathematics, statistical sciences, data science and others.

Candidates for professorships should have strong commitment to research and teaching. The teaching load may be reduced to one course per semester in the beginning period. The applicants must be able to conduct high-quality teaching either in Mandarin or in English. Those who cannot teach in Mandarin are also welcome to apply.

   The annual salary will be 13.5 monthly salaries. Other possible stipends and benefits include the following:

a. Departmental Junior Fellow for young scholars with great performance in research and teaching. The prize awarded for Junior Fellow is 0.5 million to 1.2 million NTD a year in addition to salary for up to five years.

b. Departmental Housing Stipend of 25,000 per month up to three years.

c. University Stipend for new faculty: 40,000 to 80,000 per month up to three years.

d. Very outstanding candidates may also eligible to apply for some special programs of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science and Technology with extra stipend and grants. Detailed regulations can be found in our hiring webpage.

Applicants for all positions please send a letter of application, an up-to-date curriculum vitae, recent publications, a research plan and three letters of recommendation to the email address:


or to the postal address:Recruiting CommitteeDepartment of MathematicsNational Taiwan UniversityNo. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt RoadTaipei 10617Taiwan

Applicants please specify on the letter of application the position(s) they are applying for. Those applications received by January 15, 2020 will be fully considered. It is also encouraged to apply earlier for possible early process. For more information please consult the website athttp://www.math.ntu.edu.tw/hiring


Institute of Biochemical Sciences College of Life Science National Taiwan University POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT

The Institute of Biochemical Sciences (IBS), College of Life Science, National Taiwan University (NTU) is seeking an outstanding individual to fill a full-time faculty position, jointly appointed with the Institute of Biological Chemistry, Academia Sinica, starting on Aug 1, 2020.

The position is for assistant professor or higher level. The applicants should have strong chemistry or biochemistry background and develop research area in biochemistry, chemical biology, systems biology, synthetic biology, protein chemistry, drug discovery, cell biology, or molecular biology if employed.The position should share the undergraduate Biochemistry courses and the required courses for IBS graduate students.


Applicants should submit PDF files of the following materials (Items a~d)by Oct 20 2019 to: Recruitment Committee, Institute of Biochemical Sciences, NTU (ibs@ntu.edu.tw).

(a) Curriculum vitae (including Chinese and English names, Nationality possessed, Educations from bachelor to PhD degrees, and Publication list)

(b) Copy of Ph. D. Certificate

(c) Copies of representative publications

(d) Outlines of teaching and research plans

(e) At least two recommendation letters (sent directly by the referees to the E-Mail above before deadline)




E-mail: ibs@ntu.edu.tw

Home page: http://ibs.ntu.edu.tw/


國立臺灣大學 生命科學院 生化科學研究所誠徵專任教師









1. 個人履歷(包含中文及英文姓名,國籍,大學至博士之教育經歷,及研究著作目錄)。

2. 博士學歷證明。

3. 代表性相關研究著作。

4. 教學課程與研究計畫簡要。

5. 至少兩封(含)推薦信(請推薦人直接將推薦信於截止日期前寄達上述電子信箱)。



傳  真:+886-2-2363-5038


網  址:http://ibs.ntu.edu.tw/


國立臺灣大學 教師 徵才公告

一、 聘任單位:生物資源暨農學院 生物機電工程學系

二、 應徵領域:「智慧農業」相關

三、 職稱:助理教授(含)以上一名

四、 起聘時間:預定2020年8月1日

五、 資格:


 (二)專長領域:機電整合相關,且能開授「微控制器原理與應用-機電整合(一)」、「感測器原理與應用-機電整合(二) 」、「致動器原理與應用-機電整合(三)」、「機電整合與系統設計-機電整合(四)」或「自動控制」課程者為優先考量。

六、 工作項目:教學、研究、服務

七、 工作地點:本校生物機電工程學系

八、 應檢具資料:(一)中英文履歷 (中英文各一份,至少必須包含出生年月日、各級畢業學校、畢業年份、專長領域﹝請以250字以內簡述﹞、現職、經歷)

(二)七年內 (2013年8月1日以後) 著作目錄 (註明是否為SCI期刊) 及五年內 (2015年8月1日以後) 已發表於SCI期刊之代表著作乙份﹝應徵助理教授者得以三年內之博士論文為代表著作﹞




(六)推薦函兩封或推薦者清單 (至少兩名,含電子郵件信箱與電話等聯絡方式)

九、 申請截止日期:即日起至2019年11月15日前寄達

十、 郵寄地點收件人:10617台北市大安區羅斯福路四段一號國立臺灣大學生物機電工程學系「新聘教師甄選委員會」收。

十一、 系主任 陳林祈教授 Email chenlinchi@ntu.edu.tw






Department of Biomechatronics EngineeringNational Taiwan University

The Department of Biomechatronics Engineering, College of Bioresources and Agriculture, National Taiwan University, invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in the field related to intelligent agriculture at the level of assistant professor or higher (please specify the rank you apply for). The position is expected to begin on August 1, 2020.

An applicant must hold a Ph.D. degree in Engineering with specialty related to Mechatronics. An applicant who can teach the course on“Principles and Applications of Microcontrollers - Mechatronics (1)”,“Principles and Applications of Sensors - Mechatronics (2)”,“Principles and Applications of Actuators - Mechatronics (3)”,“Mechatronics and System Design - Mechatronics (4)” or“Automatic Control” is preferable.All qualified candidates are invited to apply. Applicants must submit the following documents.

● CV and supporting documents (including a copy of diploma of academic degree, academic achievement, honors, and any other information which might be helpful to assess the applicant’s qualification).*Academic transcript is required for applicants who apply for the position of assistant professor.

● List of scientific papers published after August 1, 2013 (Please indicate whether the paper published in an SCI Journal). Applicants should specify one SCI paper published after August 1, 2015 as a representative research work for external review. Doctoral dissertation after August 1, 2017 can be considered as a representative research work if applying for assistant professorship.

● Research proposal and teaching plan.

● Two confidential letters of recommendation or contact information of at least two referees, including phone numbers and email addresses.

Deadline for application: November 15, 2019

Mailing Address:Dr. Lin-Chi Chen, Professor and Chair (Email: chenlinchi@ntu.edu.tw)Department of Biomechatronics Engineering,College of Bioresources and Agriculture,National Taiwan UniversityNo. 1, Section 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei 10617Taiwan, R.O.C. Contact staff: Dr. Yu-Chun WangWebsite: https://www.bime.ntu.edu.tw Email: wangecaa@ntu.edu.twTel: +886-2-3366-5369Fax: +886-2-2362-7620



一、 國立臺灣大學園藝暨景觀學系誠徵助理教授(含)以上專任或專案教師,從事植物生物技術(園藝作物基因工程)之教學與研究(含分子育種)。應徵者須具備園藝或相關領域之博士學位,預定起聘日期為2020年8月1日。詳見本系網站http://www.hort.ntu.edu.tw(2019.08.02起公告)。

二、 凡具備上述資格有意申請者,請檢附下列資料(一式四份,請勿將所有資料裝訂成冊,以利作業):

1. 履歷表(請註明應徵領域及職級、聯絡電話、聯絡地址及電子郵件地址)。

2. 大專及研究所成績單、學位證書影印本及博士論文。應徵教授者得僅繳交最高學位之證明。

3. 最近五年內(自2015年8月1日起)業已刊印之代表著作一篇(請以書面聲明指定代表作之篇名、期刊名及卷期頁序)。代表作需已發表於SCI、SSCI、或A&HCI期刊內原創性學術著作,且應徵者為第一作者或通訊作者。

4. 七年內(自2013年8月1日起)著作抽印本或影印本。已被接受但尚未刊印之著作需檢附接受證明。

5. 歷年著作目錄。

6. 預備開授課程名稱、授課大綱及未來研究計畫書(總篇幅以10頁A4紙為限)。

7. 提供三位推薦人之聯絡資訊。推薦人以應徵者曾就讀學校之教師、服務機關之長官與同儕為限。

三、 推薦函三封:請推薦人逕寄至國立臺灣大學園藝暨景觀學系系主任親啟

四、 請於2019年11月04日前寄達:





一、 國立臺灣大學園藝暨景觀學系誠徵果樹及蔬菜領域助理教授(含)以上專任教師各一名,預定起聘日期為2020年8月1日。詳見本系網站http://www.hort.ntu.edu.tw(2019.08.02起公告)。

二、 應徵者須具備博士學位,請檢附下列資料(一式四份,請勿將所有資料裝訂成冊,以利作業):

1. 履歷表(請註明應徵領域及職級、聯絡電話、聯絡地址及電子郵件地址)。

2. 大專及研究所成績單、學位證書影印本及博士論文。應徵教授者得僅繳交最高學位之證明。

3. 最近五年內(自2015年8月1日起)業已刊印之代表著作一篇(請以書面聲明指定代表作之篇名、期刊名及卷期頁序)。代表作需已發表於SCI、SSCI、或A&HCI期刊內原創性學術著作,且應徵者為第一作者或通訊作者。

4. 七年內(自2013年8月1日起)著作抽印本或影印本。已被接受但尚未刊印之著作需檢附接受證明。

5. 歷年著作目錄。

6. 預備開授課程名稱、授課大綱及未來研究計畫書(總篇幅以10頁A4紙為限)。

7. 提供三位推薦人之聯絡資訊。推薦人以應徵者曾就讀學校之教師、服務機關之長官與同儕為限。

三、 推薦函三封:請推薦人逕寄至國立臺灣大學園藝暨景觀學系系主任親啟

四、 請於2019年11月04日前寄達:




臺大醫學院復健科誠徵專任教師一名,須具備資格:  (1) 國內外醫學系畢業、領有中華民國醫師證書;(2) 具中華民國復健科專科醫師資格;(3) 具講師(含)以上之教師資格。

截止日期:108年 8 月 9 日下午5時前送達臺大醫院復健部主任室。






具備博士後經歷、跨領域研究能力、授課經驗者尤佳。申請者請登錄至Academic Jobs Online,上傳以下資料:(1)個人履歷與著作清單、(2)研究方向說明、(3)教學經驗與規劃,並邀請三位推薦人提供推薦函。






(1) 地理資訊科學 (geographic information science):例如,空間資料科學與地理計算 (spatial data science and geo-computation)、地理人工智慧 (geo-AI)、遙感探測 (remote sensing) 、測量與製圖技術 (survey and mapping techniques)、地理視覺化(geovisualization)等。

(2) 地球系統作用與應用 (Earth system processes and applications):例如,地形與地表作用 (geomorphology and surface process)、森林生態 (forest ecosystem)、陸域生物地球化學 (terrestrial biogeochemistry)、自然災害 (natural hazards)、環境資源保育與經理 (environmental resource conservation and management)。



意者請備妥:(1) 一封申請信,內容應包含在本系的教學及研究計畫;(2)履歷自傳;(3) 博士學位證書影本 (或是由指導教授出具,保證申請人能於2020年5月前取得博士學位證書的文件);(4) 歷年著作目錄;(5) 五年內著作各1份 (若著作收錄於SCI/SSCI/TSSCI等索引資料庫,請標註),並指明三年內著作一篇為代表作,此代表作應為已印行在SCI、SSCI期刊之論文,且為第一作者或通訊作者,或其它等同標準之著作,如經嚴格審查之專書著作;(6) 三位推薦人之聯絡資訊。 (審查資料不退還)

申請截止日期為2019年11月30日。請將資料以郵寄包裹寄至:106 臺北市羅斯福路四段一號國立臺灣大學地理環境資源學系溫在弘主任Tel: +886-2-33665820E-mail: wenthung@ntu.edu.tw


The Department of Geography, National Taiwan University (NTU) is seeking applications for 1 to 2 tenure-track or tenured positions at all ranks beginning in August 2020. We invite applicants with a Ph.D. degree in geography or related disciplines, whose research will strengthen the department’s GISceince program or the applications of human or physical geography.

We are conducting a broad search and considering appointments in the following two research areas including, but not restricted to:

(1) Geographic information science: including spatial data science, geo-computation, geo-AI, remote sensing, survey and mapping techniques, and geovisualization.

(2) Earth system process and applications: including geomorphology and surface process, forest ecosystem, terrestrial biogeochemistry, natural hazards, and environmental resource conservation and management.Leadership in cutting-edge collaborative research within- and cross-departments, and strong commitments to teaching and mentoring are expected. For more information about the department, please see http://www.geog.ntu.edu.tw/

Qualified candidates must hold a Ph.D. degree at the time of application. Those who finish their study program, including the Ph.D. dissertation requirement, and expect to graduate by May 2019, but have not yet obtained the diploma may be considered as a qualified candidate, only on the condition with a confirmation from his/her Ph.D. adviser. Applicants should be proficient in lecturing in either English or Mandarin Chinese.

To apply please submit the following materials in a package to the department chair, Professor Tzai-Hung Wen or by e-mail (wenthung@ntu.edu.tw) by November 30, 2019: (1) a letter of application describing how he/she would contribute to the Department’s teaching and research programs; (2) a curriculum vitae; (3) a copy of PhD diploma; (4) a complete publication list; (5) recent selected publications (published after 2014) and a representative work (published after 2016); (6) a list of three referees. The applicant should be the first and/or corresponding author for the representative paper, which should be published in a SCI or SSCI indexed journal or refereed book/book chapter. We note that the application materials will not be returned to the applicants.

National Taiwan University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply.

Professor Tzai-Hung WenChair, Department of Geography National Taiwan UniversityNo. 1, Section 4, Roosevelt RoadTaipei, Taiwan 106Tel: +886-2-33665820; Fax: +886-2-23622911E-mail: wenthung@ntu.edu.tw




有意者請繳交下列完整資料:(1)履歷(包含出生年月日、大學(含)以上畢業學校及畢業年月,並註明申請級別為助理教授、副教授或教授)、(2)大學及碩博士成績單、(3)博士學位證書影本、(4)七年內著作目錄(即2013年2月1日以後著作,並註明是否被收錄於SCI)、(5)五年內(2015年2月1日以後) 之著作論文抽印本,並指定其中一篇已刊印且為第一作者或通訊作者被收錄於SCI之論文為代表著作〈應徵助理教授者得以三年內(2017年2月1日以後)之博士論文為代表著作〉、(6)未來研究構想及計畫、(7)開課計畫及課程大綱、(8)推薦函二封及(9)其他有利資料等。

請於2019年8月28日前寄達「10617台北市羅斯福路四段一號 國立臺灣大學生物環境系統工程學系 范致豪主任收」。電話:886-2-3366-3443,傳真:886-2-2363-5854,E-mail:ntubse@ntu.edu.tw。網頁:www.bse.ntu.edu.tw



Established in 1928, National Taiwan University is a leading research university in Taiwan with over 30,000 students. The Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures (DFLL) welcomes applications for the following faculty positions.

I. General requirements (see also ‘Additional requirements’ under each track): Minimum requirements include a PhD in related fields and a strong publication record. Teaching experience at the university level is strongly preferred. All full-time faculty members are required to teach DFLL service courses such as writing, conversation, and (if applicable) Freshman English and also (if applicable) to direct theses and serve on various university and department committees. Some knowledge of Chinese and experience in teaching in a Chinese-speaking environment is a plus.

II. Openings:Track One—Spanish. One full-time position in the following fields:

● Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language

● Related fields in Spanish Literature, Spanish Linguistics, or Spanish Cultural Studies

Track Two—German. One full-time position in the following fields:

● Teaching German as a Foreign Language

● Related fields in German Literature or German Linguistics

Track Three—American Literature. One full-time position preferably in the following fields:

● 20th-Century American Literature

● Early American Literature

Track Four—Comparative Literature. Two full-time positions preferably in the following fields:

● European Literature

● Asian Studies

Track Five—Literary Studies. Two full-time positions. The successful candidates should:

● Have native-level proficiency in English.

● Have a strong research profile and teaching experience across traditional disciplinary boundaries to enrich and advance our program in the broad field of literary and cultural studies.

● Demonstrate intellectual leadership in fostering national and international collaboration to make significant contributions to the wider scholarly community.

Track Six—TESOL. One full-time position. The successful candidates should:

● Have a PhD in TESOL or a related field.

● Have research publications in journals listed in the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) or Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) or international peer-reviewed journals.

● Have experience of teaching undergraduate courses related to TESOL.

● Preferably have experience of implementing MOST-funded research projects as the principal investigator.

● Preferably possess the teacher certificate in secondary education issued by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan, or have completed the Teacher Education Program for Secondary Education in Taiwan.

● Offer the courses required by the NTU Center for Teacher Education (including Teaching Methods and Materials in English/Languages, Practicum in English/Languages, and Internship in English/Languages).

Track Seven—Linguistics. One full-time position. The successful candidates should:

● Be passionate about language and linguistics teaching.

● Have a strong research program in any branch of linguistics.

Track Eight—Shakespeare Studies. One full-time position in the following fields:

● the plays of Shakespeare, early modern playhouses, audiences, performance practices

III. Salary and Ranks:

Commensurate with qualifications, initial salaries range approximately from 955,530 NTD per annum (ca. 30,586 USD; subject to exchange rates) for assistant professors to 1,352,227 NTD per annum (ca. 43,285 USD; subject to exchange rates) for full professors with regular teaching load (8 hours per week for full professors, 9 for associate and assistant professors). Other benefits include family health insurance, research grants and awards (on a competitive basis), and university housing (subject to availability).

IV. Application Deadline and General Information:

Appointment begins on August 1, 2020. All applicants must email a completed application form (available at http://www.forex.ntu.edu.tw/news/news.php?Sn=4339) together with a cover letter (2 pages at most), a CV, a list of publications, and a link to a 15-minute video on your past and future research interests to wenlin@ntu.edu.tw by 5:00 pm, September 4, 2019, local time for initial screening. Successful candidates will be asked to provide a substantial dossier and other credentials for further evaluation. Short-listed candidates will be interviewed. All information provided will be treated with strict confidentiality. We apologize for not being able to return application materials. DFLL appointments are made on a non-discriminatory basis.

International applicants must comply with local labor laws and meet immigration requirements. Other college and university regulations may apply. Please direct inquiries to Ms. Wen-lin Hsueh (wenlin@ntu.edu.tw). This announcement and other information about our department are also available at http://www.forex.ntu.edu.tw.










1、博士學位(須取得正式博士學位證書(國、內外中國文學或相關系所畢業))。2、曾任專任教授(或研究員)二年(含)以上,始得申請教授。  曾任專任副教授(或副研究員)二年(含)以上,始得申請副教授。3、申請人如其最高學歷為本校授予,須於博士畢業後在其他單位從事與教學、研究相關之工作2年(含)以上,始得申請助理教授。惟具有特殊專長或優異表現且經本系教師甄選委員會認定者,不在此限。












(六)5年內代表著作(含專書或A級期刊論文(THCI Core、SSCI或A&HCI;科技部人文及社會科學學術期刊評比一級期刊;不在以上所列標準者由本系新聘教師甄選委員會認定)2至3篇)一式5份。(1.須是民國104年8月(含)以後已出版者。2.中文著作,請附500字以內提要; 外文著作,請附5,000字左右之中文概述及500字以內之中文提要)。







十二、聯絡人:唐凰禎助教 電話:(02)33664001 傳真:(02)23635647Email:chinlit@ntu.edu.tw

















一、 依據「國立臺灣大學醫學院學士後護理學系主任遴選辦法」,公開徵求推薦系主任人選,任期自108年8月1日起。

二、 推薦辦法:

(一) 須國內外相關學門教授、副教授三人(含)以上推薦,並附本人同意函。

(二) 被推薦人應符合候選人資格。

三、 候選人資格:


(一) 具副教授(含)以上資格。

(二) 具護理專長且有護理臨床或教學經驗。

(三) 有學術成就、具聲望並有教育理念及領導能力。

(四) 自就任起能任滿三年者為優先。


(一) 推薦書至少3份及本人同意函1份。

(二) 被推薦人履歷表(附相關證件影本)1式1份。

(三) 被推薦人五年內著作表1式1份。

(四) 被推薦人自傳及就任主任後之推動系所發展理念及計畫書1式1份。

(五) 含上述1-4文件之電子檔存成光碟1份。

(六) 檢附文件檢核表(請至本系網站資料下載)。



六、收件地點:100臺北市中正區徐州路2-1號『臺灣大學醫學院護理學系館106室』 收。





生農、工學院附設水工試驗所誠徵校務基金進用研究人員(助理研究員) 1名。

工作內容:爭取並執行水工所業務相關研究計畫,參與水工所技術研發、推廣與服務。應徵資格:(1)具博士學歷,並有爭取與執行研究計畫經驗;(2)具技術研發能力與經驗;(3)具現地水質調查與實驗室水質分析經驗;(4)具國際交流經驗並能協助水工所國際技術交流與推廣活動;(5)具水質實驗室建立與認證經驗尤佳。 專長:水質分析、環境水質調查與監測及水利工程相關領域。




一、 國立臺灣大學食品科技研究所誠徵助理教授(含)以上專任教師,從事食品加工與工程、食品微生物之教學與研究各壹名。應徵者須具備相關領域之博士學位,並能以良好的中/英文授課。具有博士後研究或相關產業經驗者,優先考慮。預定起聘日期為2020年2月1日。詳見本所網站(http://www.fst.ntu.edu.tw)

二、 凡具備上述資格有意申請者,請檢具:

1. 自我介紹信,說明與本職位相關之學經歷。2. 履歷表,應包含完整的著作目錄。3. 博士學位證書影本與大專以上歷年成績單。4. 研究領域、過去研究成果和貢獻與未來研究領域規劃,限兩頁。5. 2015年2月1日以後已刊行SCI期刊之代表著作1篇。6. 教學說明書,含可開授課程之綱要(以英文撰寫),限兩頁。7. 三位推薦人之詳細聯絡資料。



Faculty Positions Available

We welcome applications from the specified fields as follows:

1. History of Taiwan: (1) Early History of Taiwan (in and before the seventeenth century)(2) Taiwan under the Qing rule (3) Postwar Taiwan

2. Chinese History: preference to (1) History of ancient China; History of Qin and Han Dynasties (2) History of Middle-period China(3) History of Liao Chin and Yuan Dynasties(4) Modern History of China

3. World History: (1) History of the Middle Ages(2) Contemporary History (3) American History (4) Southeast Asian History (5) South Asian HistoryI. Requirements: Ph. D.II. Initial appointment will start from August 1, 2020. III. Application materials:1. Application form (Please download from our website)2. Curriculum vitae with list of publications3. Photocopy of Ph. D. diploma (Candidates who will receive their Ph. D. degree by July 31, 2020 can submit a formal temporary diploma issued by their university.)

4. Two letters of recommendation

5. Syllabi for a liberal education course (for non-majors) and a special topics course (for history majors)

6. Statement of research interests

7. Representative writings: 3 copies of two or three academic works published after August, 2015.

8. Supporting publications (if any): 3 copies of works published after August, 2013.

9. Proof of past/current employment (if any)

10. Transcripts of master’s and doctorate degrees (or Enrollment Certificate)

11. Photocopy of R.O.C. ID (both sides) or passport

12. Photocopy of Teacher Credentials (if any)Applicants with strong commitments will be notified for an interview around December, 2019 (traveling expenses will not be compensated).

Application Deadline: All materials must be arrived before July 31, 2019, by registered airmail, to Professor Su-hsien Yang, Department of History, National Taiwan University, No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 10617 Taiwan (R.O.C.)


國 立 臺 灣 大 學 文 學 院 歷 史 學 系 徵 聘 專 任 教 師







(一)必備資料:1. 應徵申請表(表格請自本系網頁下載)2. 個人履歷(含完整著作目錄)3. 最高學位證書影本(或已通過論文口試,確定可於2020年7月31日前取得學位,則得先繳校方權責單位開具之臨時學位證明正本)4. 修讀碩、博士學位之成績單(無成績單者,請附校方開具之修業證明)5. 推薦信兩封6. 擬開基礎課程與專門科目各一門之課程大綱7. 研究旨趣與教學理念之說明8. 代表著作一式三份(2至3篇,必須為2015年8月以後出版)(二)重要參考資料:1. 參考著作一式三份(必須為2013年8月以後出版)2. 經歷證件影本3. 教師證書影本(三) 通過第一階段徵選者,須再寄送代表著作與參考著作各一式四份。


六、申請截止日期:2019年7月31日止  務請於申請截止日前以掛號寄達,逾期不予受理。

七、郵寄地點:(10617)臺北市大安區羅斯福路四段一號國立臺灣大學歷史學系(封面務請註明應徵者姓名及應徵歷史學系專任教師字樣)本系網址:http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~history/電子信箱:jhhwang@ntu.edu.tw聯絡人:楊肅主任電話:+886 2-33664703;傳真:+886 2-23620028






1. 國內外醫學系畢業,取得中華民國病理專科醫師資格,具滿2年以上(至起聘日期止)臨床服務、教學或研究相關工作資歷者。領有經衛生福利部認可之外國之病理科(解剖病理)之專科醫師證書者,亦得應徵,惟需自起聘日期一年內取得中華民國病理專科醫師資格,如未能取得,本科(所)得逕行解聘。

2. 具獨立研究能力及教學服務熱忱。

3. 具申請部定助理教授級(含)以上職位資格者。


1. 履歷表(請註明聯絡電話、傳真、住址及電子郵件地址)。

2. 中華民國病理專科醫師證書影本或國內外相關工作證書影本。

3. 學位證書影本及其他可供參考之證明文件。

4. 最近五年內已刊印發表或已被接受之代表作。代表作應發表在SCI期刊內,且為第一作者或通訊作者。

5. 五年內著作、相關創作抽印本或影本,及歷年著作目錄。

6. 教學相關經歷或有關臨床服務資歷證明與成果之文件。

7. 針對未來職位之理想與規劃計畫書一份。

8. 推薦人二人之姓名、聯絡電話及地址。推薦人以相關領域之教師,或申請者服務機關之長官為限。申請教授職缺者,推薦人需有教授資格。申請者須請推薦人於收件截止時間前直接將密封之推薦函寄達臺灣大學病理學科暨研究所新聘教師甄選委員會。











◎代表作定義請參考:專科以上學校教師資格審定辦法(http://edu.law.moe.gov.tw/LawContent.aspx?id=FL008629 )。







6.郵寄地址:所有文件必須以紙本形式寄至:臺北市10617大安區羅斯福路四段一號 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系 收。 7.聯絡資訊:林奇秀主任 電話(02)3366-2958;傳真(02)2363-2859;E-Mail: lis@ntu.edu.tw。




1.具本國護理師證書2.具護理學或相關領域之博士學位3.能勝任護理教學,具臨床教學熱誠者優先4.需符合臺大醫學院各職級教師聘任送審規定(相關規定請參閱https://www.mc.ntu.edu.tw/person/Fpage.action?muid=2041&fid=1368)第 13 點「本院教師聘任升等送審論文最低標準暨送審論文績優研究評分辦法」)5.各科護理專長(以內外科、精神科及產兒科護理為佳)6.教學場所包含臺灣大學本部及雲林分部


1.履歷表(含個人資料、學歷、經歷、專長領域、擬應徵職級及聯絡電話、E-Mail)2.最高學歷證書影本、護理師證書影本、部定教師資格影本(若有請提供)3.教學計畫書及未來研究計畫、研究領域4. 五年內(即 2015 年 2 月 1 日以後)送審論文目錄表(表格下載如以下※說明) 及論文抽印本或影印本,請自行標註主要代表著作(上述1~5項資料請依序裝訂成冊一份,郵寄至本所,並請另附電子檔寄至:peiyi@ntu.edu.tw)5.推薦函三封。※請至臺大醫學院網址,下載下列表格並完成https://www.mc.ntu.edu.tw/person/Fpage.action?muid=2056&fid=13831.論文目錄表Ⅲ- 1 (須為 SCI 或 SSCI)2.論文目錄表Ⅲ-2(最近五年內論文目錄) 3.論文目錄表Ⅲ-3(績優論文及技轉目錄)


108年 7 月 15 日(含)下午5點前截止收件起聘時間:109年2月1日起聘


100 臺北市中正區仁愛路一段一號   臺大醫學院學士後護理學系胡文郁主任收(請註明應徵教師)


(02)2312-3456分機88865 郭小姐   傳真專線:(02)2321-9913




申請人需具備教授證書及本系專任教師五位以上之連署。有意申請者,請於民國108年4 月25日之前,將相關資料(個人履歷表,著作目錄,連署推薦函),郵寄至台北市羅斯福路四段一號臺大化工系王大銘教授(系主任選任委員會召集人)收。


國立臺灣大學醫學院 藥理學(科)研究所誠徵 助理教授/副教授/教授


1. 具有生物醫學相關領域之博士學位2. 博士後研究經驗至少一年或助理教授以上資歷3. 具有獨立研究能力及藥理學相關教學能力者


1. 詳細履歷表及自傳 (含完整著作目錄、學術成就、學經歷證件影本、重要獲獎記錄及其他有助於瞭解申請者之資料)2. 過去教學及研究成果大綱3. 未來五年教學及研究計畫書4. 五年內代表著作至多4篇,且至少有一篇為單獨第一作者或單獨通訊作者 (上述請以PDF電子檔依序排列,並於截止日前寄至藥理所聯絡人及林所長電子信箱)5. 推薦函三封  (請推薦人直接郵寄或email至藥理所聯絡人及林所長電子信箱)

三、截止日期: 108年5月31日下午5時前寄達藥理所。

四、預定起聘日期:109年2月1日 (實際將依本校新聘教師作業程序而定)


信  箱: momoshen@ntu.edu.tw(請務必cc至林所長信箱wwllaura1119@ntu.edu.tw)電  話: 886-2-23123456轉88328地  址: 10051台北市中正區仁愛路一段一號11樓    No.1, Sec. 1, Jen Ai Rd., Taipei 100, Taiwan R.O.C. 網  頁: http://pharmacology.ntu.edu.tw/


國立臺灣大學外國語文學系誠徵北歐語言兼任教師1名 (Application Deadline: April 30, 2019)




一、 資格:1. 本國教育部認可之國內外醫學系畢業,領有中華民國醫師證書。2. 具有效中華民國放射診斷科、核子醫學科或放射腫瘤科專科醫師證書。3. 具教育部部定助理教授(含)以上之教師證書。

二、 檢具資料:1. 個人履歷(附照片)、相關證書及所有著作目錄表(書面資料7份及電子檔1份)。2. 五年內代表著作2-5篇(含論文抽印本7份及PDF電子檔1份)。3. 未來教學與研究計畫書(書面資料7份及電子檔1份)。4. 國內外相關學門副教授以上推薦函2封。有關履歷表、著作目錄、教學及研究計畫書等之格式,請參考本校醫學院專任教師聘任之表格撰寫,表格下載請參考台大醫學院人事組網站。起聘日期:109年02月01日。

三、 報名截止日期:申請資料應於108年5月20日(週一)中午12時前送達台北市中正區中山南路7號 臺大醫院影像醫學部主任室『放射線科新聘專任教師甄選委員會』收。

四、 聯絡電話:(02)2312-3456轉62570傅小姐傳真專線:(02)2322-4552e-mail:shiuchen@ntuh.gov.tw



(一) 依據「國立臺灣大學醫學院職能治療學系(所)主任(所長)遴選辦法」, 公開徵求推薦系主任(所長)人選。

(二) 推薦辦法:  (1) 須國內外相關學門教授或副教授三人以上推薦,並附本人同意函。  (2) 被推薦人應符合候選人資格。

(三) 候選人資格:  被推薦人須符合下列資格:  (1) 學術上有成就、具聲望並有教育理念及領導能力。  (2) 具職能治療學門專長副教授以上資格。  (3) 民國108年8月1日就任時年齡未滿六十二歲。

(四) 檢附以下文件與檔案:  (1) 推薦書三份(紙本)。  (2) 本人同意函一份(紙本)。  (3) 被推薦人履歷表及自傳 (PDF電子檔) 。  (4) 被推薦人五年內著作表,並附三年內代表作三篇之抽印本 (PDF電子檔) 。  (5) 職能治療學系(所)發展理念及近中遠程目標 (PDF電子檔) 。

(五) 收件截止日:中華民國108年5月13日(星期一)下午5時前送達(台灣時間)。

(六) 寄件地址:台北市100徐州路17號4樓425室,臺大職能治療學系辦公室(主任遴選委員會)收   連絡電話:02-33668171  傳真電話:02-23511331   e-mail:kuowenc@ntu.edu.tw(郭小姐)