乳癌快速篩檢新方法 臺大化學系徐丞志實驗室團隊登《Analytical Chemistry》期刊封面

乳癌是我國婦女發生率最高的癌症,當醫師發現懷疑的病灶時,通常會透過超音波檢查,接著利用穿刺的方式,取出組織以判別此病灶為良性還是惡性。然而,判讀的步驟繁複且耗時,以臺大醫院為例,病人約需等待數週才能夠拿到檢驗報告。臺大化學系徐丞志實驗室與臺大醫院王明暘醫師合作開發5分鐘診斷的技術,利用紙噴灑游離法結合高解析質譜儀,快速取得粗針穿刺腫瘤組織的化學訊號,利用建立好的機器學習模型,判斷此腫瘤組織為良性或惡性組織。整個過程僅需將組織以濾紙承載即可直接以質譜儀分析,5分鐘內即可完成診斷,準確度可達87.5%。相關研究成果發表於國際分析化學領域重要期刊《Analytical Chemistry》,並獲選為當期的期刊封面,並於今(109)年1月20日正式刊出。參考連結:https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.analchem.9b03966

聯絡窗口:臺大化學系助理教授 徐丞志 Tel: 02-33663844 Email: ccrhsu@ntu.edu.tw

Breast cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers in women. Conventional pathological procedures of breast cancer diagnosis usually take weeks to generate the final report. Prof. Cheng-Chih Hsu''s research group at NTU’s Department of Chemistry collaborated with Dr. Ming-Yang Wang in NTU Hospital to develop a rapid breast cancer diagnosis platform which can be readily coupled with the regular examination protocol, including ultrasonography and core needle biopsy, in hospitals. Their new method takes only few minutes to collect the chemical data as well as the diagnostic results. The whole process, including core needle biopsy, sample preparation, data acquisition, and tissue typing, can be carried out in the same operating room. Combining machine learning algorithms, they successfully identified malignant breast tumors with an accuracy of 87.5%. In the future, Hsu''s group will aim for routine clinical applications such as point-of-care testing (POCT) in clinics. The work has been accepted for publication and selected as the front cover in Analytical Chemistry featured in the issue of January 21, 2020.