
趙琴(皓明)博士主講98學年度第二學期 (下列時間週一中午12:30~14:20)地點:臺灣大學管理學院 (一號館)B1會議廳Time:2010/Spring semester,Monday(12:30~14:10)

189講 3/22《蕭邦的音樂藝術與愛情人生》鋼琴詩人200週年(1810~1849)誕辰特輯In Remembrance of’ Frederic Chopin’s 200th Birth(1810~1849) His piano Works and Music Life

190講 3/29《浪漫派大師舒曼的文學與音樂》紀念舒曼200週年(1810~1856)誕辰Artistic Legacy of Robert Schumann(1810~1856) ,His 200th Birth The Remarkable Composer, Writer, and Cultural Icon

191講 4/19《小提琴發展史及音樂鑒賞》名琴、名家、中外名曲‧傳世之音The Art of ViolinUltimate Violin Classics

192講 4/26《從時代脈絡中認識江文也的音樂與詩文》紀念作曲家百年(1910-1983)誕辰Jiang Wenye's Life、Music & Poetry(1910-1983)Celebrating the Taiwanese Composer's 100th Birth

193講 5/03《臺灣原住民的祭儀、歌謠及影音文獻》從田邊尚雄及黑澤隆朝的調查聽起The Music Culture of Taiwan’s AboriginesThe Formosa Aboriginal Singing and Dancing

194講 5/10《波里尼西亞人的樂舞文化》長途漂泊‧文化變遷Polynesian Odyssey, Musical Traditions, Songs of SpiritsThe Music and dance of Polynesia

195講 5/17《埃及音樂文化的發展與變遷》古埃及音樂文明的神秘世界The Ancient ceremonies, Dance ,Music & Songs of EgyptEchoes of the Nile

196講 5/24《如何欣賞京劇之美》梅蘭芳現象‧名家名段The Art and History of Peking OperaMei Lanfang and the most famous Peking opera artists
